I have a column called Create_Date which has data in the format like 19-JUN-18 PM
and data type is TIMESTAMP(6)
I am trying to look at date range like yesterday's date or between two dates in Create_Date without using TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(P.CREATE_DATE_TIME,'dd/mon/yy'))
and entering the value as '19-JUN-18'
I want to use Create_Date=SYSDATE-1
instead to filter on yesterdays date. Or Use Create_Date>=SYSDATE
or Create_Date>=CURRENT_DATE
to look at dates greater than or equal to today.
Can someone help?
You could use TRUNC
FROM tab
WHERE Create_Date >= TRUNC(SYSDATE,'DD') -- -1
-- or between to dates (using date literals)
WHERE Create_Date >= DATE 'yyyy-mm-dd'
AND Create_Date < DATE 'yyyy-mm-dd'
As it's a timestamp I'd cast the truncated (to midnight) current date to a timestamp for clarity; Oracle will use an index on that column even if you leave it as a date, but it doesn't hurt to make it explicit:
where create_date >= cast(trunc(sysdate) as timestamp)
The trunc() function defaults to truncating to midnight; you can explicitly include 'DD'
as a second argument if you prefer (for even more clarity, though some would see it as noise).
If you want a range, say yesterday:
where create_date >= cast(trunc(sysdate) - 1 as timestamp)
and create_date < cast(trunc(sysdate) as timestamp)
If you want to specify other dates then you can use timestamp literals, e.g. to see everything for May:
where create_date >= timestamp '2018-05-01 00:00:00'
and create_date < timestamp '2018-06-01 00:00:00'