I’m trying to implement iOS Universal Links, I need to serve an apple-app-association file at the root of my WordPress.
How could I serve my apple-app-association file with Content-type: "application/pkcs7-mime"
in WordPress?
I tried to directly upload it, but of course it didn't work because I need to modify the Content-type of the apple-app-association to: Content-type: "application/pkcs7-mime"
Since the apple-app-site-association
file is not a WordPress file, you have to configure the content type at the server level. This is different depending on environment (Apache vs. nginx, for example). This can be hard, if your host doesn't allow access to low level configuration.
Apache configuration
Modify the /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl (or equivalent) file to include the snippet:
<Directory /path/to/root/directory/>
<Files apple-app-site-association>
Header set Content-type "application/pkcs7-mime"
nginx configuration
Modify the /etc/nginx/sites-available/ssl.example.com (or equivalent) file to include the location /apple-app-assocation snippet:
server {
location /apple-app-site-association {
default_type application/pkcs7-mime;
Source: https://gist.github.com/anhar/6d50c023f442fb2437e1#modifying-the-content-type
In theory I believe it is possible to do the Apache configuration via a .htaccess file, but I've never tried.
You may prefer to look into a free hosted deep link service like Branch (full disclosure: I'm in the Branch team) or Firebase Dynamic Links to handle all of this for you.
In case anyone is in the same situation I was where my website is hosted on Bitnami WordPress (e.g. through AWS), your root directory path is /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs. Once you've copied your association file there, the place to make the configuration change for the content type header described in Alex's answer is /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/conf/httpd-app.conf. Finally, you'll need to restart Apache for the configuration change to kick in, using the command sudo apachectl -k graceful
. You can verify that your setup is correct using this validator tool.
See my post here for more details.