Capitalize every 3rd letter in a string - Python [closed]

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2020-05-09 16:57:26


I'm just beginning to learn Python, so please bear with me. My math knowledge is a little shaky as well. I'm able to capitalize a single word, or first word in a string. What I am having a problem with is i need to capitalize every 3rd letter in the string. I need to do this as a function. I've used something like this, but can only get this to change the letter in one word, not every 3rd.

x = "string"
y = x[:3] + x[3].swapcase() + x[4:] 

There is a sample template that used

if i in phrase (len(phrase))

But i'm not sure how that works.

I'd like an output to show something like "thIs tExtIng fuNctIon"

Thanks in advance for any help.


You can take a stride slice of an array which makes for a pretty and pythonic few lines:

s = "thisisareallylongstringwithlotsofletters"  

# convert to list
a = list(s)

#change every third letter in place with a list comprehension
a[2::3] = [x.upper() for x in a[2::3]]

#back to a string
s = ''.join(a)

# result: thIsiSarEalLylOngStrIngWitHloTsoFleTteRs

It's not clear what you want with spaces - this treats them like characters.


Since you want every 3rd letter and not just the 3rd letter, we need to iterate the letters and generate the result according to the position of the character:

def cap_3rd(word):
    result = ""
    for i in range(1, len(word) + 1):
        if i % 3 == 0:
            result += word[i-1].upper()
            result += word[i-1]
    return result

word = "thisisaverylonglongword"
print(cap_3rd(word))  # thIsiSavEryLonGloNgwOrd


x = "string"
z = list(x)
for x in range(2,len(z),3): # start from 3rd (index2) and step by 3  
  z[x] = z[x].upper()
x = ''.join(z)
print x

Output: StrIng


If you don't care about letters and spaces:

''.join(phrase[i-1] if i % 3 or i == 0 else phrase[i-1].upper() for i in range(1, len(phrase) + 1))

If you only want to count letters:

new_phrase = ''
phrase = "here are some words"
counter = 0
for c in phrase:
    if not c.isalpha():
        new_phrase += c
        counter += 1
        if not counter % 3:
            new_phrase += c.upper()
            new_phrase += c

Since your example shows you using swapcase() instead of upper(), you can just replace upper() with swapcase() in this code to achieve that functionality if that's what you want.


Try applying some split, and a lambda as below, and then join.

>>> x = "this texting function"
>>> " ".join(map(lambda w: w[:2] + w[2].swapcase() + w[3:], x.split()))
'thIs teXting fuNction'

If you are not a fan of lambda, then you can write a method like this

>>> def swapcase_3rd(string):
...     if len(string) >3:
...             return  string[:2] + string[2].swapcase() + string[3:]
...     if len(string) == 3:
...             return  string[:2] + string[2].swapcase()
...     return string
>>> x = "this texting function"
>>> " ".join(map(swapcase_3rd, x.split()))
'thIs teXting fuNction'

