Why does this REPNE SCASB implementation of strlen work?

房东的猫 提交于 2020-05-09 07:41:06


Why does this code work?

http://www.int80h.org/strlen/ says that the string address has to be in EDI register for scasb to work, but this assembly function doesn't seem to do this.

Assembly code for mystrlen:

global  mystrlen
        sub             ecx, ecx
        not             ecx
        sub             al, al
        repne scasb
        neg             ecx
        dec             ecx
        dec             ecx
        mov             eax, ecx

C main:

int mystrlen(const char *);
int main()
    return (mystrlen("1234"));


nasm -f elf64 test.asm
gcc -c main.c
gcc main.o test.o


echo $?


The code from the question is 32 bit version of strlen, which works in 64b environment only partially, sort of "by accident" (as most of the SW works in reality, anyway ;) ).

One of the accidental effects of 64b environment is (in System V ABI, which is used by 64b linux OS, other 64b platforms may follow different calling convention, invalidating this!), that the first argument in function call is passed through rdi register, and the scasb is using es:rdi in 64b mode, so this naturally fits together (as the Jester's answer says).

Rest of the 64b environment effects are less good, that code will return wrong value for 4+G long string (I know, highly unlikely to happen in practical usage, but can be tried by synthetic test providing such long string).

Fixed 64b version (also the end of routine exploits rax=0 to do both neg ecx and mov eax,ecx in single instruction):

global  mystrlen
        xor       ecx,ecx    ; rcx = 0
        dec       rcx        ; rcx = -1 (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)
        ; rcx = maximum length to scan
        xor       eax,eax    ; rax = 0 (al = 0 value to scan for)
        repne scasb          ; scan the memory for AL
        sub       rax,rcx    ; rax = 0 - rcx_leftover = scanned bytes + 1
        sub       rax,2      ; fix that into "string length" (-1 for '\0')


The 64 bit sysv calling convention places the first argument into rdi. So the caller main already did that load for you. You can examine its assembly code and see for yourself.

(Answer provided by Jester)

