Protect a cell for everyone except for function

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2020-04-18 06:47:19


I am new to the world of apps script and I would like to know if is it possible to protect a cell for everyone(they can't change the value directly) but can be changed by a function that will be called by everyone ? Thanks

edit: the user can't change direclty the cell but he has a button with a script which shloud be able to change the value of the protect cell but currently if I put the cell in "protect sheets and range" the script doesn't work


Yes, it is possible.

First Option

Use the service account which would impersonate the owner of the document.

Here is an example how to incorporate a service account in Apps Script.

Make sure that you give to the service account the necessary scopes and enable domain-wide delegation.

Second option

Deploy your script as a Web App and execute it as you

Third Option

Use an installable trigger - this will run on your behalf after you authorize it. You can e.g. set-up an installable onEdit trigger that will fire the script function if a certain cell (e.g. "A20") is edited by the user.

