How can I force TabBar to show in all App screens react-navigation v5?

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2020-04-18 06:31:48


I'm trying to show the Bottom TabBar in every screen in my app, but i can't find a way to do it in RN V5 yet,

So When i tried to use tabBarVisible like this

      tabBar={props => <TabBar {...props} />}
      screenOptions={({route}) => (
             console.log('route', route), it's just log the five bottom component i have
             tabBarVisible: ({routes}) => {
             let tabBarVisible = false;
             console.log('screens', routes); // Not log anything!
             return {tabBarVisible};
       ... 5 Tabs here

So How can i handle this case? and access to other stack screens?

just to minimize the code snippet in question

here's the full Root file code, can you check it?


If you want the tabBar to be shown in every screen of the app, you need to make it your root navigator and then all screens will be under that navigator, so the tabBar will be visible in all screens.

