I want to download many files from dukaskopy. A typical url looks like this.
url = 'http://datafeed.dukascopy.com/datafeed/AUDUSD/2014/01/02/00h_ticks.bi5'
I tried the answer here but most of the files are of size 0.
But when I simply looped using wget(see below), I got complete files.
import wget
from urllib.error import HTTPError
pair = 'AUDUSD'
for year in range(2014,2015):
for month in range(1,13):
for day in range(1,32):
for hour in range(24):
url = 'http://datafeed.dukascopy.com/datafeed/' + pair + '/' + str(year) + '/' + str(month-1).zfill(2) + '/' + str(day).zfill(2) + '/' + str(hour).zfill(2) + 'h_ticks.bi5'
filename = pair + '-' + str(year) + '-' + str(month-1).zfill(2) + '-' + str(day).zfill(2) + '-' + str(hour).zfill(2) + 'h_ticks.bi5'
x = wget.download(url, filename)
# print(url)
except HTTPError as err:
if err.code == 404:
print((year, month,day, hour))
I have utilized the following code earlier for scraping websites but not for downloading files.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from aiohttp import ClientSession, client_exceptions
from asyncio import Semaphore, ensure_future, gather, run
from json import dumps, loads
limit = 10
http_ok = [200]
async def scrape(url_list):
tasks = list()
sem = Semaphore(limit)
async with ClientSession() as session:
for url in url_list:
task = ensure_future(scrape_bounded(url, sem, session))
result = await gather(*tasks)
return result
async def scrape_bounded(url, sem, session):
async with sem:
return await scrape_one(url, session)
async def scrape_one(url, session):
async with session.get(url) as response:
content = await response.read()
except client_exceptions.ClientConnectorError:
print('Scraping %s failed due to the connection problem', url)
return False
if response.status not in http_ok:
print('Scraping%s failed due to the return code %s', url, response.status)
return False
content = loads(content.decode('UTF-8'))
return content
if __name__ == '__main__':
urls = ['http://demin.co/echo1/', 'http://demin.co/echo2/']
res = run(scrape(urls))
print(dumps(res, indent=4))
There is an answer to download multiple files using multiprocessing here. But I think asyncio could be faster.
When the files of 0 size are returned it could be the server limiting number of requests but I still would like to explore if there is a possibility of downloading multiple files using wget and asyncio.
Here is an example. Decode/Encode, as well as writing operations should be fixed depends on the target data type.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from aiofile import AIOFile
from aiohttp import ClientSession
from asyncio import ensure_future, gather, run, Semaphore
from calendar import monthlen
from lzma import open as lzma_open
from struct import calcsize, unpack
from io import BytesIO
from json import dumps
http_ok = [200]
limit = 5
base_url = 'http://datafeed.dukascopy.com/datafeed/{}/{}/{}/{}/{}h_ticks.bi5'
fmt = '>3i2f'
chunk_size = calcsize(fmt)
async def download():
tasks = list()
sem = Semaphore(limit)
async with ClientSession() as session:
for pair in ['AUDUSD']:
for year in [2014, 2015]:
for month in range(1, 12):
for day in range(1, monthlen(year, month)):
for hour in range(0, 23):
return await gather(*tasks)
async def download_one(pair, year, month, day, hour, session, sem):
url = base_url.format(pair, year, month, day, hour)
data = list()
async with sem:
async with session.get(url) as response:
content = await response.read()
if response.status not in http_ok:
print(f'Scraping {url} failed due to the return code {response.status}')
if content == b'':
print(f'Scraping {url} failed due to the empty content')
with lzma_open(BytesIO(content)) as f:
while True:
chunk = f.read(chunk_size)
if chunk:
data.append(unpack(fmt, chunk))
async with AIOFile(f'{pair}-{year}-{month}-{day}-{hour}.bi5', 'w') as fl:
await fl.write(dumps(data, indent=4))
if __name__ == '__main__':
The source code is available here