I'm trying to translate this SQL query into a JPA Criteria Query:
select distinct student0_.name
from vnic03.student student0_
where (exists(select teacher0_.social_number
from vnic03.teacher teacher0_
where teacher0.social_number = ?
and teacher0_.school_id in (select school0_.id
from vnic03.school school0_
where school0_.student_id = student0_.id)))
These are the tables (I have simplified and renamed them for posting them here, in reallity they have several million entries):
Right now I have following code:
CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<String> searchQuery = criteriaBuilder.createQuery(String.class);
Root<Student> root = searchQuery.from(Student.class);
List<Predicate> restrictions = new ArrayList<>();
Subquery<Teacher> subQuery = searchQuery.subquery(Teacher.class);
Root<Teacher> fromSchoolSubQuery = subQuery.from(Teacher.class);
List<Predicate> subRestrictions = new ArrayList<>();
Subquery<School> subQuery2 = searchQuery.subquery(School.class);
Root<School> fromSchoolSubSubQuery = subQuery2.from(School.class);
List<Predicate> subSubRestrictions = new ArrayList<>();
subRestrictions.add(criteriaBuilder.equal(fromSchoolSubQuery.get(Social_number), userInput));
subRestrictions.add(criteriaBuilder.equal(fromSchoolSubQuery.get(School_ID), subQuery2.select(fromSchoolSubSubQuery.get(School_ID)).where(criteriaBuilder.equal(fromSchoolSubSubQuery.get(Student_ID), root.get(student_ID)))));
subRestrictions.toArray(new Predicate[0]))));
.where( restrictions.toArray(new Predicate[restrictions.size()]) );
TypedQuery<String> query = em.createQuery(searchQuery)
List<String> nameList = query.getResultList();
But this translates into:
select distinct student0_.name
from vnic03.student student0_
where (exists(select teacher0_.social_number
from vnic03.teacher teacher0_
where teacher0.social_number = ?
and teacher0_.school_id = (select school0_.id
from vnic03.school school0_
where school0_.student_id = student0_.id)))
So I just need to replace the =
by in
in the last and
part. I found in other SO questions something like this:
CriteriaBuilder.In<String> in = criteriaBuilder.in( ??? );
Path<Object> path = root.get(student_ID);
CriteriaBuilder.In<Object> in = criteriaBuilder.in(path);
but I just don't know how to use it properly...
So if you know how to translate only this part, it would solve it for me probably already:
where teacher0_.school_id **in** (select school0_.id
from vnic03.school school0_
where school0_.student_id = student0_.id)))
I found a Solution after reading chapter 5 in this article: https://www.baeldung.com/jpa-criteria-api-in-expressions
Subquery<School> subQueryForInExpression = searchQuery.subquery(School.class);
Root<School> fromSchoolSubQuery = subQueryForInExpression.from(School.class);
subQueryForInExpression.select(fromSchoolSubQuery.get(student_id)).where(criteriaBuilder.equal(fromSchoolSubQuery.get(school_id), root.get(student_id)));
The subQueryForInExpression
represents the Select
subquery in the IN
select school0_.id
from vnic03.school school0_
where school0_.student_id = student0_.id
Now we have to add the in
Expression to the subRestrictions, this is done with CriterisBuilder.in(...).value(subQueryForInExpression)