WhatApp click to chat links do not work with OSX native client and WhatsApp Web

我们两清 提交于 2020-04-17 22:39:38


Whatsapp Link Issue

WhatsApp native OSX app is installed or web-app is opened but links can’t open in native app on OSX and always tries to lunch a new web app if try to open in web app.


BROWSER: Google Chrome

We use WhatsApp links - Click to chat feature - to message customers quickly from our admin panel.

In the last days as it seems WhatsApp has updated something and broke the links overnight.

Neither of the formats we used previously seem to work:


If we try to open links with WhatsApp client OSX:

Says OSX is not installed

If we try to open links with WhatsApp Web client:

Will launch other instance in a new tab/window and loads for seconds


As it is extremely annoying for those who use this feature (like us), I'm going to leave my findings here:

Opening up the console revealed that there is a problem with the format as it does not request permission to open the native app, since it brakes something in content security policy when trying to redirect to the following link: whatsapp://send/?phone=


USE THE CUSTOM URL SCHEME FORMAT - whatsapp://send/?phone=&text&source&data

With this the browser will be able to request permission to open the native app. If you accept all works smooth.

