I have a nested if
in Lua. I have a variable inside the second if
layer that I want to use in the first layer.
The variable is npcSpecimen
if conditions then
local npcType = util.pickRandom(self.npcTypes)
local npcSpecimen = ""
if npcType == "spacebandit" then
local npcSpecimen = util.pickRandom(self.npcSpecies)
local npcSpecimen = util.pickRandom(self.npcSpeciesMutant)
local npcId = space.spawnNpc(spawnPosition, npcSpecimen, npcType)
If written this way, npcSpecimen
will remain empty because the variable set within the if npcType
remains only within that chunk. So to alleviate this, I could use global variable instead:
if npcType == "spacebandit" then
npcSpecimen = util.pickRandom(self.npcSpecies)
npcSpecimen = util.pickRandom(self.npcSpeciesMutant)
However according to the documentation, using global variable isn't the best practice and it's slower.
So what would be the best way to approach this so I could pass npcSpecimen
to npcId
Technically the answer is no, you can't use a local variable outside its scope, that's the whole point of local variables. However, you can just change the scope of the variable by declaring it outside of the block where you're using it:
local foo
if io.read() == "hello" then -- Just a dumb example condition :)
foo = "hello" -- This is not a global, as it was declared local above
However, note that the the following doesn't work, or, more precisely, doesn't do the same as the above:
local foo
if io.read()=="hello" then
local foo = "hello" -- This is another local
print(foo) -- This will *always* print nil