I have a query that I am trying to translate from SQL into rust/diesel but am running into issues with creating a subquery using diesel.
I am using diesel = "1.4.2" along with the postgres feature.
I have the following schema and models...
extern crate diesel;
mod schema {
table! {
jobs (id) {
id -> Int4,
appointments (id) {
id -> Int4,
categories (id) {
id -> Int4
appointments_categories(appointment_id, category_id) {
appointment_id -> Int4,
category_id -> Int4
mod models {
#[derive(Debug, Identifiable)]
pub struct Job {
pub id: i32,
#[derive(Debug, Identifiable)]
pub struct Appointment {
pub id: i32,
#[derive(Debug, Identifiable)]
pub struct Category {
pub id: i32,
#[derive(Debug, Identifiable)]
#[primary_key(appointment_id, appointment_type_id)]
pub struct AppointmentCategory {
pub id: i32,
fn main() {}
And then I have this SQL query:
DELETE FROM appointments_categories
WHERE ROW ("appointment_id", "category_id")
IN (
appointment.id AS appointment_id, appointments_categories. "category_id" FROM appointment
INNER JOIN appointments_categories ON appointments_categories. "appointment_id" = appointment.id
WHERE appointment."job_id" = 125
LIMIT 10000);
So far I have tried to use the following approach but unable to figure out how to bind the subquery/expression.
let sub_query = appointment_dsl::appointment
.select((appointment_dsl::id, appt_cat_dsl::category_id));
let rows_deleted = delete(appt_cat_dsl::appointments_categories
.filter(sql(format!("ROW(appointmentId, appointmentTypeId) IN {}", subquery))))?;
I understand that there are other ways to write the delete query but I need to be able to limit the number of rows that it deletes. The associated/junction table is massive with 3 million rows per job and the job runs every 15min. Deleting it all at once locks the DB up so it isn't an option.
Sorry I can't make a reproducible sample on the rust playground since it doesn't have diesel.