Using solr 5.2.0 was wondering is there a query builder API/Jar/Ckient similar to Elasticsearch query builder API or do we have to bassically do String Kungfu to build queries in Solr?
Unfortunately, in SolrJ there is no such thing as a Builder for the query that goes into the q
BUT: As Solr already operates on Lucene, we can as well use the Lucene QueryBuilder. The resulting Query objects (e.g. PhraseQuery) have a toString()
method that provides you with the query string you would otherwise have to assemble by hand.
You might want to use SolrQuery
SolrQuery solrQuery=new SolrQuery();
QueryResponse response=solrServers.query(solrQuery);
For more examples please refer this link
SolrQuery is the class that hidden the complexity of string concatenation and it has plenty of methods that helps to build the query. This example show as use it with a fluent interface.
CloudSolrClient client = new CloudSolrClient.Builder()
QueryResponse resp = client.query(new SolrQuery()
.setFields("title", "manufacturer", "price"));