组合模式(Composite Pattern)也叫合成模式,有时又叫做部分-整体模式(Part-Whole),
Compose objects into tree structures to represent part-whole hierarchies.Composite lets clients treat individual objects and compositions of objects uniformly.(将对象组合成树形结构以表示“部分-整体”的层次结构,使得用户对单个对象和组合对象的使用具有一致性。)
/** * 根节点 * @author shuliangzhao * @Title: IRoot * @ProjectName design-parent * @Description: TODO * @date 2019/6/18 22:37 */ public interface IRoot { //得到总经理的信息 public String getInfo(); //总经理下边要有小兵,那要能增加小兵,比如研发部总经理,这是个树枝节点 public void add(IBranch branch); //那要能增加树叶节点 public void add(ILeaf leaf); //既然能增加,那还要能够遍历,不可能总经理不知道他手下有哪些人 public ArrayList getSubordinateInfo(); }
/** * @author shuliangzhao * @Title: Root * @ProjectName design-parent * @Description: TODO * @date 2019/6/18 22:40 */ public class Root implements IRoot { //保存根节点下的树枝节点和树叶节点,Subordinate的意思是下级 private ArrayList subordinateList = new ArrayList(); //根节点的名称 private String name = ""; //根节点的职位 private String position = ""; //根节点的薪水 private int salary = 0; //通过构造函数传递进来总经理的信息 public Root(String name,String position,int salary){ this.name = name; this.position = position; this.salary = salary; } @Override public String getInfo() { String info = ""; info = "名称:"+ this.name;; info = info + "\t职位:" + this.position; info = info + "\t薪水: " + this.salary; return info; } @Override public void add(IBranch branch) { this.subordinateList.add(branch); } @Override public void add(ILeaf leaf) { this.subordinateList.add(leaf); } @Override public ArrayList getSubordinateInfo() { return this.subordinateList; } }
/** * 分之节点 * @author shuliangzhao * @Title: IBranch * @ProjectName design-parent * @Description: TODO * @date 2019/6/18 22:38 */ public interface IBranch { //获得信息 public String getInfo(); //增加数据节点,例如研发部下设的研发一组 public void add(IBranch branch); //增加叶子节点 public void add(ILeaf leaf); //获得下级信息 public ArrayList getSubordinateInfo(); }
/** * @author shuliangzhao * @Title: Branch * @ProjectName design-parent * @Description: TODO * @date 2019/6/18 22:43 */ public class Branch implements IBranch { //保存根节点下的树枝节点和树叶节点,Subordinate的意思是下级 private ArrayList subordinateList = new ArrayList(); //根节点的名称 private String name = ""; //根节点的职位 private String position = ""; //根节点的薪水 private int salary = 0; public Branch(String name,String position,int salary){ this.name = name; this.position = position; this.salary = salary; } @Override public String getInfo() { String info = ""; info = "名称:"+ this.name;; info = info + "\t职位:" + this.position; info = info + "\t薪水: " + this.salary; return info; } @Override public void add(IBranch branch) { this.subordinateList.add(branch); } @Override public void add(ILeaf leaf) { this.subordinateList.add(leaf); } @Override public ArrayList getSubordinateInfo() { return this.subordinateList; } }
/** * 叶子节点 * @author shuliangzhao * @Title: ILeaf * @ProjectName design-parent * @Description: TODO * @date 2019/6/18 22:39 */ public interface ILeaf { //获得自己的信息 public String getInfo(); }
/** * @author shuliangzhao * @Title: Leaf * @ProjectName design-parent * @Description: TODO * @date 2019/6/18 22:45 */ public class Leaf implements ILeaf { //根节点的名称 private String name = ""; //根节点的职位 private String position = ""; //根节点的薪水 private int salary = 0; public Leaf(String name,String position,int salary){ this.name = name; this.position = position; this.salary = salary; } @Override public String getInfo() { String info = ""; info = "名称:"+ this.name;; info = info + "\t职位:" + this.position; info = info + "\t薪水: " + this.salary; return info; } }
/** * @author shuliangzhao * @Title: Client * @ProjectName design-parent * @Description: TODO * @date 2019/6/18 22:49 */ public class Client { public static void main(String[] args) { //首先产生了一个根节点 IRoot ceo = new Root("Jon","总经理",100000); //产生三个部门经理,也就是树枝节点 IBranch developDep = new Branch("张三","研发部门经理",10000); IBranch salesDep = new Branch("李四","销售部门经理",20000); IBranch financeDep = new Branch("王五","财务部经理",30000); //再把三个小组长产生出来 IBranch firstDevGroup = new Branch("赵六","开发一组组长",5000); IBranch secondDevGroup = new Branch("张飞","开发二组组长",6000); //剩下的就是我们这些小兵了,就是路人甲、路人乙 ILeaf a = new Leaf("a","开发人员",2000); ILeaf b = new Leaf("b","开发人员",2000); ILeaf c = new Leaf("c","开发人员",2000); ILeaf d = new Leaf("d","开发人员",2000); ILeaf e = new Leaf("e","开发人员",2000); ILeaf f = new Leaf("f","开发人员",2000); ILeaf g = new Leaf("g","开发人员",2000); ILeaf h = new Leaf("h","销售人员",5000); ILeaf i = new Leaf("i","销售人员",4000); ILeaf j = new Leaf("j","财务人员",5000); ILeaf k = new Leaf("k","CEO秘书",8000); ILeaf zhengLaoLiu = new Leaf("唐三","研发部副总",20000); //ceo下属员工 ceo.add(developDep); ceo.add(salesDep); ceo.add(financeDep); ceo.add(k); //定义研发部门下的结构 developDep.add(firstDevGroup); developDep.add(secondDevGroup); //研发部经理下还有一个副总 developDep.add(zhengLaoLiu); //看看开发两个开发小组下有什么 firstDevGroup.add(a); firstDevGroup.add(b); firstDevGroup.add(c); secondDevGroup.add(d); secondDevGroup.add(e); secondDevGroup.add(f); //再看销售部下的人员情况 salesDep.add(h); salesDep.add(i); //最后一个财务 financeDep.add(j); System.out.println(ceo.getInfo()); getAllsubordinateList(ceo.getSubordinateInfo()); } private static void getAllsubordinateList(ArrayList subordinateInfo) { for (int i = 0;i<subordinateInfo.size();i++) { Object o = subordinateInfo.get(i); if (o instanceof Leaf) { Leaf leaf = (Leaf) o; System.out.println(leaf.getInfo()); }else { IBranch iBranch = (IBranch) o; System.out.println(iBranch.getInfo()); getAllsubordinateList(iBranch.getSubordinateInfo()); } } } }
名称:Jon 职位:总经理 薪水: 100000 名称:张三 职位:研发部门经理 薪水: 10000 名称:赵六 职位:开发一组组长 薪水: 5000 名称:a 职位:开发人员 薪水: 2000 名称:b 职位:开发人员 薪水: 2000 名称:c 职位:开发人员 薪水: 2000 名称:张飞 职位:开发二组组长 薪水: 6000 名称:d 职位:开发人员 薪水: 2000 名称:e 职位:开发人员 薪水: 2000 名称:f 职位:开发人员 薪水: 2000 名称:唐三 职位:研发部副总 薪水: 20000 名称:李四 职位:销售部门经理 薪水: 20000 名称:h 职位:销售人员 薪水: 5000 名称:i 职位:销售人员 薪水: 4000 名称:王五 职位:财务部经理 薪水: 30000 名称:j 职位:财务人员 薪水: 5000 名称:k 职位:CEO秘书 薪水: 8000
Corp 抽象类
/** * @author shuliangzhao * @Title: Corp * @ProjectName design-parent * @Description: TODO * @date 2019/6/18 23:23 */ public abstract class Corp { //公司每个人都有名称 private String name = ""; //公司每个人都职位 private String position = ""; //公司每个人都有薪水 private int salary =0; public Corp(String _name,String _position,int _salary){ this.name = _name; this.position = _position; this.salary = _salary; } //获得员工信息 public String getInfo(){ String info = ""; info = "姓名:" + this.name; info = info + "\t职位:"+ this.position; info = info + "\t薪水:" + this.salary; return info; } }
/** * @author shuliangzhao * @Title: Branch * @ProjectName design-parent * @Description: TODO * @date 2019/6/18 23:26 */ public class Branch extends Corp { //领导下边有哪些下级领导和小兵 ArrayList<Corp> subordinateList = new ArrayList<Corp>(); public Branch(String _name, String _position, int _salary) { super(_name, _position, _salary); } //增加一个下属,可能是小头目,也可能是个小兵 public void addSubordinate(Corp corp) { this.subordinateList.add(corp); } //我有哪些下属 public ArrayList<Corp> getSubordinate() { return this.subordinateList; } }
/** * @author shuliangzhao * @Title: Leaf * @ProjectName design-parent * @Description: TODO * @date 2019/6/18 23:27 */ public class Leaf extends Corp { public Leaf(String _name, String _position, int _salary) { super(_name, _position, _salary); } }
/** * @author shuliangzhao * @Title: Client * @ProjectName design-parent * @Description: TODO * @date 2019/6/18 23:27 */ public class Client { public static void main(String[] args) { //首先产生了一个根节点 Branch ceo = new Branch("Jon","总经理",100000); //产生三个部门经理,也就是树枝节点 Branch developDep = new Branch("张三","研发部门经理",10000); Branch salesDep = new Branch("李四","销售部门经理",20000); Branch financeDep = new Branch("王五","财务部经理",30000); //再把三个小组长产生出来 Branch firstDevGroup = new Branch("赵六","开发一组组长",5000); Branch secondDevGroup = new Branch("张飞","开发二组组长",6000); //剩下的就是我们这些小兵了,就是路人甲、路人乙 Leaf a = new Leaf("a","开发人员",2000); Leaf b = new Leaf("b","开发人员",2000); Leaf c = new Leaf("c","开发人员",2000); Leaf d = new Leaf("d","开发人员",2000); Leaf e = new Leaf("e","开发人员",2000); Leaf f = new Leaf("f","开发人员",2000); Leaf g = new Leaf("g","开发人员",2000); Leaf h = new Leaf("h","销售人员",5000); Leaf i = new Leaf("i","销售人员",4000); Leaf j = new Leaf("j","财务人员",5000); Leaf k = new Leaf("k","CEO秘书",8000); Leaf zhengLaoLiu = new Leaf("唐三","研发部副总",20000); //ceo下属员工 ceo.addSubordinate(developDep); ceo.addSubordinate(salesDep); ceo.addSubordinate(financeDep); ceo.addSubordinate(k); //定义研发部门下的结构 developDep.addSubordinate(firstDevGroup); developDep.addSubordinate(secondDevGroup); //研发部经理下还有一个副总 developDep.addSubordinate(zhengLaoLiu); //看看开发两个开发小组下有什么 firstDevGroup.addSubordinate(a); firstDevGroup.addSubordinate(b); firstDevGroup.addSubordinate(c); secondDevGroup.addSubordinate(d); secondDevGroup.addSubordinate(e); secondDevGroup.addSubordinate(f); //再看销售部下的人员情况 salesDep.addSubordinate(h); salesDep.addSubordinate(i); //最后一个财务 financeDep.addSubordinate(j); System.out.println(ceo.getInfo()); System.out.println(getTreeInfo(ceo)); } private static String getTreeInfo(Branch ceo) { ArrayList<Corp> subordinate = ceo.getSubordinate(); String info = ""; for (Corp s:subordinate) { if (s instanceof Leaf) { info = info+s.getInfo()+"\n"; }else { info = info+s.getInfo()+"\n" + getTreeInfo((Branch)s); } } return info; } }
姓名:Jon 职位:总经理 薪水:100000 姓名:张三 职位:研发部门经理 薪水:10000 姓名:赵六 职位:开发一组组长 薪水:5000 姓名:a 职位:开发人员 薪水:2000 姓名:b 职位:开发人员 薪水:2000 姓名:c 职位:开发人员 薪水:2000 姓名:张飞 职位:开发二组组长 薪水:6000 姓名:d 职位:开发人员 薪水:2000 姓名:e 职位:开发人员 薪水:2000 姓名:f 职位:开发人员 薪水:2000 姓名:唐三 职位:研发部副总 薪水:20000 姓名:李四 职位:销售部门经理 薪水:20000 姓名:h 职位:销售人员 薪水:5000 姓名:i 职位:销售人员 薪水:4000 姓名:王五 职位:财务部经理 薪水:30000 姓名:j 职位:财务人员 薪水:5000 姓名:k 职位:CEO秘书 薪水:8000
/** * @author shuliangzhao * @Title: Corp * @ProjectName design-parent * @Description: TODO * @date 2019/6/18 23:23 */ public abstract class Corp { //公司每个人都有名称 private String name = ""; //公司每个人都职位 private String position = ""; //公司每个人都有薪水 private int salary =0; private Corp parent; public Corp getParent() { return parent; } public void setParent(Corp parent) { this.parent = parent; } public Corp(String _name, String _position, int _salary){ this.name = _name; this.position = _position; this.salary = _salary; } //获得员工信息 public String getInfo(){ String info = ""; info = "姓名:" + this.name; info = info + "\t职位:"+ this.position; info = info + "\t薪水:" + this.salary; return info; } }
/** * @author shuliangzhao * @Title: Branch * @ProjectName design-parent * @Description: TODO * @date 2019/6/18 23:26 */ public class Branch extends Corp { //领导下边有哪些下级领导和小兵 ArrayList<Corp> subordinateList = new ArrayList<Corp>(); public Branch(String _name, String _position, int _salary) { super(_name, _position, _salary); } //增加一个下属,可能是小头目,也可能是个小兵 public void addSubordinate(Corp corp) { super.setParent(this); this.subordinateList.add(corp); } //我有哪些下属 public ArrayList<Corp> getSubordinate() { return this.subordinateList; } }