- 前言
写吧 怕麻烦
不写吧 似乎这代码估计自己都看不懂
- 模板代码如下:
Imports System Imports EnvDTE Imports EnvDTE80 Imports EnvDTE90 Imports EnvDTE90a Imports EnvDTE100 Imports System.Diagnostics Imports System.Text Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions Imports System.IO Imports System.Collections.Specialized Public Module MyAutoCommemt '这里要与保存的Module文件名保持一致,不然无法调用宏 Function AlignTitle(ByVal title As String) As String title += Space(16 - title.Length) AlignTitle = " *" + title End Function Function AlignValue(ByVal value As String) value += Space(16 - value.Length) AlignValue = value End Function Sub ParamOnce() Dim objSel As TextSelection objSel = CType(DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection, TextSelection) DTE.UndoContext.Open("FileCreateEn") objSel.StartOfDocument(False) objSel.Insert("#pragma once" + vbNewLine) DTE.UndoContext.Close() End Sub Public Sub FileCreateEn() 'DESCRIPTION 文件签名 Dim fil_info(64) As String Dim i As Integer i = 0 fil_info(i) = "//Copyright (c) 2013 hustfisher All Rights Reserved" i += 1 fil_info(i) = "/*********************************************************************************************" i += 1 fil_info(i) = AlignTitle("file name") fil_info(i) += " : " fil_info(i) += DTE.ActiveDocument.Name i += 1 fil_info(i) = AlignTitle("description") fil_info(i) += " : " i += 1 fil_info(i) = AlignTitle("create time") fil_info(i) += " : " fil_info(i) += Date.Now.ToString() i += 1 fil_info(i) = AlignTitle("author name") fil_info(i) += " : " fil_info(i) += "hustfisher" i += 1 fil_info(i) = AlignTitle("author email") fil_info(i) += " : " fil_info(i) += "hustfisher@yeah.net" i += 1 fil_info(i) = AlignTitle("author blog") fil_info(i) += " : " fil_info(i) += "http://blog.csdn.net/jiejiaozhufu" i += 1 fil_info(i) = AlignTitle("version") fil_info(i) += " : " fil_info(i) += "1.0" i += 1 fil_info(i) = " **********************************************************************************************/" i += 1 Dim Description As New StringBuilder For v = 0 To i Description.AppendFormat("{0}{1}", fil_info(v), vbNewLine) Next '插入文件头部 Dim objSel As TextSelection objSel = CType(DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection, TextSelection) DTE.UndoContext.Open("FileCreateEn") objSel.StartOfDocument(False) objSel.Insert(Description.ToString()) DTE.UndoContext.Close() End Sub Public Sub FileModifyEn() 'modify file Dim fil_info(64) As String Dim i As Integer i = 0 fil_info(i) = "//Copyright (c) 2013 hustfisher All Rights Reserved" i += 1 fil_info(i) = "/*********************************************************************************************" i += 1 fil_info(i) = AlignTitle("file name") fil_info(i) += " : " fil_info(i) += DTE.ActiveDocument.Name i += 1 fil_info(i) = AlignTitle("description") fil_info(i) += " : " i += 1 fil_info(i) = AlignTitle("modify time") fil_info(i) += " : " fil_info(i) += Date.Now.ToString() i += 1 fil_info(i) = AlignTitle("author name") fil_info(i) += " : " fil_info(i) += "hustfisher" i += 1 fil_info(i) = AlignTitle("author email") fil_info(i) += " : " fil_info(i) += "hustfisher@yeah.net" i += 1 fil_info(i) = AlignTitle("author blog") fil_info(i) += " : " fil_info(i) += "http://blog.csdn.net/jiejiaozhufu" i += 1 fil_info(i) = AlignTitle("version") fil_info(i) += " : " fil_info(i) += "1.1" i += 1 fil_info(i) = " **********************************************************************************************/" i += 1 Dim Description As New StringBuilder For v = 0 To i Description.AppendFormat("{0}{1}", fil_info(v), vbNewLine) Next Dim DocSel As EnvDTE.TextSelection DocSel = DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection DocSel.StartOfLine() DocSel.NewLine() DocSel.LineUp() DocSel.Insert(Description.ToString()) End Sub Sub FunctionSignEn() 'function Dim data As New StringBuilder With data .Append(vbNewLine) .AppendFormat("/*********************************************************************************************{0}", vbNewLine) .AppendFormat(" *function name{0}: {1}", vbTab, vbNewLine) .AppendFormat(" *create time{0}: {1} {2}", vbTab, Date.Now.ToString(), vbNewLine) .AppendFormat(" *author name{0}: {1} {2}", vbTab, "hustfisher", vbNewLine) .AppendFormat(" *func version{0}: 1.0 {1}", vbTab, vbNewLine) .AppendFormat(" *description {0}: {1}", vbTab, vbNewLine) .AppendFormat(" *para title {0}: IN/OUT{1}{2}TYPE{3}{4}{5}DESCRIPTION{6}", vbTab, vbTab, vbTab, vbTab, vbTab, vbTab, vbNewLine) .AppendFormat(" *parameter 1{0}: {1}", vbTab, vbNewLine) .AppendFormat(" *return type {0}: {1}", vbTab, vbNewLine) .AppendFormat(" *********************************************************************************************/") End With Dim DocSel As EnvDTE.TextSelection DocSel = DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection DocSel.StartOfLine() DocSel.NewLine() DocSel.LineUp() DocSel.Insert(data.ToString()) End Sub Sub FunctionSignEnEx() 'function Dim DocSel As EnvDTE.TextSelection DocSel = DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection Dim line As String DocSel.SelectLine() line = DocSel.Text().ToString() line = Trim(line) Dim name As String Dim para As String Dim return_type As String Dim pos As Integer 'type pos = line.IndexOf(" ") If pos = -1 Then Return End If return_type = Mid(line, 1, pos) 'name Dim pos1 As Integer pos1 = line.IndexOf("(") If pos1 = -1 Then Return End If name = Mid(line, pos + 1, pos1 - pos).Trim 'para pos = pos1 + 1 pos1 = line.LastIndexOf(")") If pos1 = -1 Then Return End If para = Mid(line, pos + 1, pos1 - pos).Trim() Dim words() As String words = Split(para, ",") Dim func_info(32) As String Dim i As Integer i = 0 func_info(i) = "/*********************************************************************************************" i += 1 func_info(i) = AlignTitle("function name") func_info(i) += " : " func_info(i) += name i += 1 func_info(i) = AlignTitle("create time") func_info(i) += " : " func_info(i) += Date.Now.ToString() i += 1 func_info(i) = AlignTitle("author name") func_info(i) += " : " func_info(i) += "hustfisher" i += 1 func_info(i) = AlignTitle("version") func_info(i) += " : " func_info(i) += "1.0" i += 1 func_info(i) = AlignTitle("description") func_info(i) += " : " i += 1 func_info(i) = AlignTitle("return type") func_info(i) += " : " func_info(i) += return_type i += 1 func_info(i) = AlignTitle("parameter list") func_info(i) += " : " func_info(i) += AlignValue("IN/OUT") func_info(i) += AlignValue("TYPE") func_info(i) += AlignValue("NAME") func_info(i) += AlignValue("DESCRIPTION") i += 1 Dim j As Integer j = 1 Dim paraBuf As String For Each v In words func_info(i) = "parameter " func_info(i) += j.ToString() func_info(i) = AlignTitle(func_info(i)) func_info(i) += " : " func_info(i) += AlignValue("IN") paraBuf = v.Trim() pos = paraBuf.LastIndexOf(" ") If -1 = pos Then func_info(i) += AlignValue("void") Else func_info(i) += AlignValue(Mid(paraBuf, 1, pos).Trim()) func_info(i) += AlignValue(Mid(paraBuf, pos + 1, paraBuf.Length).Trim()) End If i += 1 j += 1 Next Dim Description As New StringBuilder For v = 0 To i - 1 Description.AppendFormat("{0}{1}", func_info(v), vbNewLine) Next Description.AppendFormat(" *********************************************************************************************/{0}", vbNewLine) DocSel.StartOfLine() DocSel.LineUp() DocSel.Insert(Description.ToString) End Sub Sub AddPara() ActiveDocument.Selection.Text = "*parameter 2" + vbTab + ":" End Sub Sub ClassSignEn() 'function Dim data As New StringBuilder With data .Append(vbNewLine) .AppendFormat("/*********************************************************************************************{0}", vbNewLine) .AppendFormat(" *calss name : {0}", vbNewLine) .AppendFormat(" *create time : {0} {1}", Date.Now.ToString(), vbNewLine) .AppendFormat(" *author name : {0} {1}", "hustfisher", vbNewLine) .AppendFormat(" *calss vers : 1.0 {0}", vbNewLine) .AppendFormat(" *description : {0}", vbNewLine) .AppendFormat(" *********************************************************************************************/") End With Dim DocSel As EnvDTE.TextSelection DocSel = DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection DocSel.StartOfLine() DocSel.NewLine() DocSel.LineUp() DocSel.Insert(data.ToString()) End Sub Sub ModifyTag() 'DESCRIPTION 增添修改 Dim DocSel As EnvDTE.TextSelection DocSel = DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection DocSel.EndOfLine() ActiveDocument.Selection.Text = "/* hustfisher modified at " + Date.Now.ToString() + " */" End Sub Sub TodoTag() Dim DocSel As EnvDTE.TextSelection DocSel = DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection DocSel.EndOfLine() ActiveDocument.Selection.Text = " // TODO:" + Date.Now.ToString() End Sub Sub AddCommentC() Dim data As New StringBuilder With data .Append(vbNewLine) .AppendFormat("/*********************************************************************************************{0}", vbNewLine) .AppendFormat(" *create time : {0} {1} author : {2} {3}", Date.Now.ToString(), vbTab, "hustfisher", vbNewLine) .AppendFormat(" *description : {0}", vbNewLine) .AppendFormat(" *********************************************************************************************/") End With Dim DocSel As EnvDTE.TextSelection DocSel = DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection DocSel.StartOfLine() DocSel.NewLine() DocSel.LineUp() DocSel.Insert(data.ToString()) End Sub Sub AddComment() Dim DocSel As EnvDTE.TextSelection DocSel = DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection DocSel.EndOfLine() ActiveDocument.Selection.Text = " // Add by hustfisher " + Date.Now.ToString End Sub End Module
- 使用注意事项
- 功能
- 文件创建注释模板
- 文件修改注释模板
- 类注释模板
- 函数注释模板
- 自动函数注释(我觉得这个很不错)
- TODO Tag模板
- C语言格式的一般注释模板
- C++语言格式的一般注释模板
- 注释模板效果
//Copyright (c) 2013 hustfisher All Rights Reserved /********************************************************************************************* *file name : main.cpp *description : *create time : 2013/11/16 15:53:39 *author name : hustfisher *author email : hustfisher@yeah.net *author blog : http://blog.csdn.net/jiejiaozhufu *version : 1.0 **********************************************************************************************/ #include "normalise.h" #include <Windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #define FRAME_IN_NUM (128) #define LOOP_TIMES (60240) #define ALIGN_SIZE (64) /********************************************************************************************* *function name : InitData *create time : 2013/11/16 15:53:47 *author name : hustfisher *version : 1.0 *description : *return type : void *parameter list : IN/OUT TYPE NAME DESCRIPTION *parameter 1 : IN float* pData *parameter 2 : IN size_t nCount *********************************************************************************************/ void InitData(float* pData, size_t nCount) { int my_sign[] = {1, -1}; srand(GetTickCount()); for (size_t i=0; i<nCount; i++) { pData[i] = rand()%10*my_sign[rand()%2]*1.0f; } } /********************************************************************************************* *function name : main *create time : 2013/11/16 15:53:53 *author name : hustfisher *version : 1.0 *description : *return type : int *parameter list : IN/OUT TYPE NAME DESCRIPTION *parameter 1 : IN void *********************************************************************************************/ int main() { return 0; }