I've successfully created a webhook subscription to listen for changes on a shared calendar (I got a 201 Created response back from the create subscription endpoint) with the following POST body:
"changeType": "created,updated,deleted",
"notificationUrl": <my_https_app_webhook_url>,
"resource": "/me/calendars/<calendar_id>/events",
"expirationDateTime": "2020-03-06T12:30:27.606347+00:00",
"clientState": <secret_token>
If I then create an event on that shared calendar with 1 attendee (aside from myself, the organizer & owner of the shared calendar) and that attendee declines the event, I don't receive a notification at my subscription notificationUrl.
Am I missing something here?
"changeType": "created,updated",
"notificationUrl": "https://mynotification.url.com",
"resource": "users/adminuser@oadmin.onmicrosoft.com/events",
"latestSupportedTlsVersion": "v1_2"
Make sure you have added,ChangeType:created,updated
This is an expected behavior as the attendee's responses do not update the event object itself, thus not triggering a notification.
I'd recommend you add this as a suggestion to UserVoice