What is furrr's “black magic?”

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2020-03-25 13:55:14


I use the R package furrr for most of my parallelization needs, and basically never have issues with exporting things from my global environment to the cluster. Today I did and I have no idea why. The package documentation seems to describe the process by which global variables are sent to the clusters as "black magic." What is the black magic?

The furrr::future_options documentation says:

Global variables and packages By default, the future package will perform black magic to look up the global variables and packages that your furrr call requires, and it will export these to each worker. However, it is not always perfect, and can be refined with the globals and packages arguments.

As a secondary question: is there an elegant way to tell it to do its black magic, but also to export something it missed? Or, are the choices a) all black magic, or b) hard code everything in the .options argument?

