I am using onesignal to send push notifications to mobile app from my webservice. but I realized that some characters are not supported, what can we do to resolve this issue? below is my postString sent to onesignal:
postString = "{""app_id"":""myID"",""language"":""ar"", ""tags"" :
[{""key"": ""my_key"", ""relation"": ""="", ""value"": """ & my_value& """}] ,
""data"" : {""contactName"" : """ & contactName & """ },
""contents"" : {""en"" : """ & pushMessage & """ } }"
when I tried to send data like +-*/.!@#$%^&*()_+=-?><|":;'\
I got this error:
The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request.
NB: When I changed language to en I got the same error. Any idea?
All unicode characters are supported. It's possible that the extra quote in your data caused this issue. Please make sure that your postString is in a valid JSON by escaping any single or double quotes and that should resolve this issue.