break out of if and foreach

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2019-11-27 16:56:11

if is not a loop structure, so you cannot "break out of it".

You can, however, break out of the foreach by simply calling break. In your example it has the desired effect:

foreach($equipxml as $equip) {
    $current_device = $equip->xpath("name");
    if ( $current_device[0] == $device ) {
        // found a match in the file            
        $nodeid = $equip->id;

        // will leave the foreach loop and also the if statement

Just for completeness for others that stumble upon this question looking for an answer..

break takes an optional argument, which defines how many loop structures it should break. Example:

foreach (array('1','2','3') as $a) {
    echo "$a ";
    foreach (array('3','2','1') as $b) {
        echo "$b ";
        if ($a == $b) { 
            break 2;  // this will break both foreach loops
    echo ". ";  // never reached
echo "!";

Resulting output:

1 3 2 1 !

If - for some obscure reason - you want to break out of an if statement (which is not a loop structure and thus not breakable per definition), you can simply wrap your if in a tiny loop structure so you can jump out of that code block.

Please note that this is a total hack and normally you would not want to do this:

do if ($foo)
  // Do something first...

  // Shall we continue with this block, or exit now?
  if ($abort === true) break;

  // Continue doing something...

} while (false);

The example above is taken from a comment in the PHP docs

If you wonder about the syntax: It works because an abbreviated syntax is used here. The outer curly braces can be left out because the loop structure contains only a single statement: if ($foo) { .. }.

Another example for this:
do $i++; while ($i < 100) is equivalent to do { $i++; } while ($i < 100).

foreach($equipxml as $equip) {
    $current_device = $equip->xpath("name");
    if ( $current_device[0] == $device ) {
        // found a match in the file            
        $nodeid = $equip->id;

Simply use break. That will do it.

A safer way to approach breaking a foreach or while loop in PHP is to nest an incrementing counter variable and if conditional inside of the original loop. This gives you tighter control than break; which can cause havoc elsewhere on a complicated page.


// Setup a counter
$ImageCounter = 0;

// Increment through repeater fields
while ( condition ):

   // Only print the first while instance
   if ($ImageCounter == 1) {
    echo 'It worked just once';

// Close while statement

For those of you landing here but searching how to break out of a loop that contains an include statement use return instead of break or continue.


for ($i=0; $i < 100; $i++) { 
    if (i%2 == 0) {
    else {


If you want to break when being inside do_this_for_even.php you need to use return. Using break or continue will return this error: Cannot break/continue 1 level. I found more details here
