----- 最近同事老拉着玩一个游戏《我画你猜》,非常好玩,于是作为码农尝试着自己做个。
/*****元素类*****/ function DrawElement(cavId,clearId,eraserId){ this.ele = document.getElementById(cavId); this.clearBnt = document.getElementById(clearId); this.eraserBnt = document.getElementById(eraserId); //是否是橡皮擦模式 this.isEraser = false; this.draw = new Draw(this.ele); var that = this; //获取画笔的x和y this.getXY = function(xOrY){ if(xOrY === 'x') return this.pageX - that.ele.offsetLeft; return this.pageY - that.ele.offsetTop; } } DrawElement.prototype.init = function(){ var ele = this.ele; var draw = this.draw; var getXY = this.getXY; var that = this; ele.onmousedown = function(e){ var ev = e || window.event; draw.drawBegin(getXY.call(ev,'x'),getXY.call(ev)); }; ele.onmousemove = function(e){ var ev = e || window.event; if(that.isEraser){ draw.clear(getXY.call(ev,'x'),getXY.call(ev)); }else{ draw.drawMiddle(getXY.call(ev,'x'),getXY.call(ev)); } }; ele.onmouseup = function(){ draw.drawEnd(); }; ele.onmouseleave = function(){ draw.drawEnd(); }; //清除画布 this.clearBnt.onclick = function(){ draw.clearAll(); }; //进入橡皮擦模式 this.eraserBnt.onclick = function(e){ var ev = e || window.event; that.isEraser = !that.isEraser; ev.target.innerText = that.isEraser?"继续画画":"橡皮擦" }; }
/*****画画类*****/ function Draw(cvs,isBegin){ this.begin = isBegin || false; this.cvs = cvs; this.cvx = cvs.getContext("2d"); } Draw.prototype.drawBegin = function(x,y){ this.begin = true; var cvx = this.cvx; cvx.beginPath(); cvx.moveTo(x, y); } Draw.prototype.drawMiddle = function(x,y){ var cvx = this.cvx; if(this.begin){ cvx.lineTo(x, y); cvx.stroke(); } } Draw.prototype.drawEnd = function(){ this.begin = false; } //橡皮擦功能 Draw.prototype.clear = function(x,y){ if(this.begin){ this.cvx.clearRect(x,y,20,20); } } //清空画布 Draw.prototype.clearAll = function(){ this.cvx.clearRect(0,0,this.cvs.clientWidth,this.cvs.clientHeight); }
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title><%= title %></title> <link rel='stylesheet' href='/stylesheets/style.css' /> </head> <body> <canvas width="600" height="600" id="cvs"></canvas> <button id="clear-all">清空画布</button> <button id="clear">橡皮擦</button> <script src="/javascripts/index.js"></script> <script> window.onload = function(){ /**************画布id 清除画布id 橡皮擦id*****/ new DrawElement('cvs','clear-all','clear').init(); }; </script> </body> </html>