How to find image tag in file .I have tried but not working.I do not know how to convert images for my application.
<img src="./assets/images/test1.png" width="250" height="200">
<div class="power"></div>
In order to do this, we will need to execute a Node script that will search for any image URL inside the HTML & CSS files using Regex. After that, it will replace these URLs with their Base64 values.
First thing, we need to install these NPM packages that will make our life easier:
npm install replace-in-file --save-dev
npm install datauri --save-dev
We will use the first one to find the images URLs, and the second one to convert the images onto Base64.
After installing these packages, we will create a Node script file contains the following:
const dataUri = require('datauri').sync;
const replace = require('replace-in-file');
const replaceOptions = {
// Files to search. For now, we need HTML and CSS
files: ['./dist/LIBRARY_NAME/**/*.js', './dist/LIBRARY_NAME/**/*.html'],
// Don't search inside these folders / files
ignore: [],
// Search for URLs using this Regex. It supports "./" prefix and the png / jpg files
from: /\.\/|assets.*\.(png|jpg)/gm,
// Replace the match with the Base64 value using dataUri
to: match => { return match === './' ? '': dataUri(match) },
.then(results => {
console.log('Replacement results:', results);
.catch(error => {
console.error('Error occurred:', error);
After that, we need to run the script after the build of the library. This can be done by adding this to package.json:
build: "ng build LIBRARY_NAME && node MY_SCRIPT_NAME.js"
Then, you can run the build and script using:
npm run build
There is a property you can add it to the ng-package.json to convert the CSS image URLs into Base64
"lib": {
"cssUrl": "inline"
More info can be found here.