I'm trying to compare one dog image with a bucket full of dog images and get their similarity, does anybody have some clue to do that?
You could try out Vision API's ProductSearch: https://cloud.google.com/vision/product-search/docs/
You build a ProductSet of Products. You add reference images to each Product. Later, you send a query image in and it will return the most visually similar results in your ProductSet.
You can use my Ruby gem that implementes two perceptual image hashing to calculate the image similarity.
require "dhash-vips"
hash0 = DHashVips::IDHash.fingerprint "dog.jpg"
hash1 = DHashVips::IDHash.fingerprint "dog1.jpg"
hash2 = DHashVips::IDHash.fingerprint "dog2.jpg"
puts "dog1 is this much different: #{DHashVips::IDHash.distance hash0, hash1}"
puts "dog2 is this much different: #{DHashVips::IDHash.distance hash0, hash2}"