hello there i like to remove the facebook analytic forced url parameter /?fbclid=
, from my host url, when redirected from facebook by clicking the url, the problem is the nuxt-link-exact-active class is not applied if redirected with this parameter.
In simple cases like https://www.example.com/?fbclid=...
where fbclid is the only parameter, it should be a trivial Javascript like that:
// ideally this is on top of page; works on bottom as well
location.replace(location.href.replace(/\?fbclid.+/, ""));
This checks if ?fbclid=...
is a URL search parameter and navigates to the same location with that part removed.
It may also be fine to remove any search parameter and not checking for
if(location.search) location.replace(location.href.replace(/\?.+/, ""));
i could finally solved it with this:
methods: {
removeFacebookHook() {
var fbParam = 'fbclid';
// Check if param exists
if (location.search.indexOf(fbParam + '=') !== -1) {
var replace = '';
try {
var url = new URL(location);
replace = url.href;
// Check if locale exists
if (window.location.href.indexOf(this.locale) > -1) {
window.history.replaceState(null, null, "/" + this.locale);
} catch (ex) {
var regExp = new RegExp('[?&]' + fbParam + '=.*$');
replace = location.search.replace(regExp, '');
replace = location.pathname + replace + location.hash;
history.replaceState(null, '', replace);
with the help of this post modiyf urls I keep the nuxt-i18n route locale working with href.indexOf ! Unfortunately the nuxt alwaysRedirect made me remove the switcher...
For simple cases like https://www.example.com/?fbclid=...
where fbclid is the first and only parameter, it can be done by a simple server configuration.
So for example put this in the .htaccess
RewriteEngine on
<if "%{QUERY_STRING} =~ /^fbclid=/">
RewriteRule . %{REQUEST_URI}? [R=301,L]
Note the ?
after %{REQUEST_URI}
. It deletes the query string completely.
In other cases (where fbclid was appended to other parameters) this example does nothing - more complicated code is needed for that.