How to work around Gson serialization giving different results when using generic wildcards?

眉间皱痕 提交于 2020-03-03 12:37:31


Consider this example:

static class BaseBean { String baseField = "base"; }
static class ChildBean extends BaseBean { String childField = "child"; }

static class BaseBeanHolder {
    List <? extends BaseBean> beans;

    public BaseBeanHolder(List<? extends BaseBean> beans) { this.beans = beans; }

static class ChildBeanHolder {
    List <ChildBean> beans;

    public ChildBeanHolder(List<ChildBean> beans) { this.beans = beans; }

public void mcve() {
    BaseBeanHolder baseHolder = new BaseBeanHolder(singletonList(new ChildBean()));
    System.out.println(new Gson().toJson(baseHolder));

    ChildBeanHolder childHolder = new ChildBeanHolder(singletonList(new ChildBean()));
    System.out.println(new Gson().toJson(childHolder));

It prints:



So, although both lists hold child objects, only the second holder results in the child fields being serialized to JSON.

I have seen other questions, like here but I wondering whether there are reasonable workarounds to achieve what I want.

In other words: is there a way to have such one "holder" class that accepts either BaseBeans or ChildBeans (the <? extends BaseBean> does that), and that also gives me the correct results when serialising instances with Gson into JSON strings?

( note: I can't use specific type adapters, as I have no control where that actual Gson instance is coming from and how it is configured in our environment )


Generally collection implementations "takes" type from collection field declaration - not from given item on the List/Set/etc. We need to write custom serialiser which for each item find serialiser and use it. Simple implementation:

class TypeAwareListJsonSeserializer implements JsonSerializer<List<?>> {
    public JsonElement serialize(List<?> src, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext context) {
        if (src == null) {
            return JsonNull.INSTANCE;
        JsonArray array = new JsonArray();
        for (Object item : src) {
            JsonElement jsonElement = context.serialize(item, item.getClass());
        return array;

And this is how we can use it:


import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

public class GsonApp {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        List<BaseBean> children = Arrays.asList(new BaseBean(), new ChildBean(), new ChildBean2());
        BaseBeanHolder baseHolder = new BaseBeanHolder(children);
        Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()

class BaseBean {
    String baseField = "base";

class ChildBean extends BaseBean {
    String childField = "child";

class ChildBean2 extends BaseBean {
    int bean2Int = 356;

class BaseBeanHolder {

    private List<? extends BaseBean> beans;

    // getters, setters, toString

Above code prints:

  "beans": [
      "baseField": "base"
      "childField": "child",
      "baseField": "base"
      "bean2Int": 356,
      "baseField": "base"


During serialisation we lose information about type which will be needed during deserialisation process. I developed simple type information which will be stored during serialisation and used in deserialisation. It could look like below:

class TypeAwareListJsonAdapter implements JsonSerializer<List<?>>, JsonDeserializer<List<?>> {

    private final String typeProperty = "@type";

    public JsonElement serialize(List<?> src, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext context) {
        if (src == null) {
            return JsonNull.INSTANCE;
        JsonArray array = new JsonArray();
        for (Object item : src) {
            JsonObject jsonElement = (JsonObject) context.serialize(item, item.getClass());
            jsonElement.addProperty(typeProperty, item.getClass().getSimpleName());

        return array;

    public List<?> deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException {
        final Type elementType = $Gson$Types.getCollectionElementType(typeOfT, List.class);

        if (json instanceof JsonArray) {
            final JsonArray array = (JsonArray) json;
            final int size = array.size();
            if (size == 0) {
                return Collections.emptyList();

            final List<?> suites = new ArrayList<>(size);
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                JsonObject jsonElement = (JsonObject) array.get(i);
                String simpleName = jsonElement.get(typeProperty).getAsString();
                suites.add(context.deserialize(jsonElement, getClass(simpleName, elementType)));

            return suites;

        return Collections.emptyList();

    private Type getClass(String simpleName, Type defaultType) {
        try {
            // you can use mapping or something else...
            return Class.forName("com.model." + simpleName);
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            return defaultType;

The biggest problem is to how to map classes to JSON values. We can use class simple name or provide Map<String, Class> and use it. Now, we can use it as above. Example app prints now:

  "beans": [
      "baseField": "base",
      "@type": "BaseBean"
      "childField": "child",
      "baseField": "base",
      "@type": "ChildBean"
      "bean2Int": 356,
      "baseField": "base",
      "@type": "ChildBean2"
ChildBean{baseField='base', childField='child'}
ChildBean2{baseField='base', bean2Int=356}


Gson is built in consideration of "I am going to be used to serialize" and "I am going to be used to deserialize".

There is no way to determine from raw JSON what the exact runtime type of a descendant of BaseBean is.

You can use RuntimeTypeAdapterFactory as described here - unfortunately it's not published with the base Gson module nor is it in Maven Central as described here. This will publish enough information with the JSON that'll allow Gson to deserialize it.


More of an addendum: I just figured that at least serialization works fine with arrays, so a simple workaround was to rework the holder:

static class BaseBeanHolder {
    BaseBean[] beans;
    public BaseBeanHolder(BaseBean... beans) { this.beans = beans; }

