Parent question: Android proguard, keep inner class
My problem is with inner class of inner class
One of the SDKs in my android project has a class A, which has two static inner class. They are found to be stripped after applying proguard.
public class A{
static class B{
static class D {
static class C{
My proguard looks like this
-keepattributes Exceptions, InnerClasses
-keep class com.xxx.A
-keep class com.xxx.A$*
Which prevents class B, C from proguard. But no luck with class D. I have tried -keep class com.xxx.A$**
as well.
I think you're missing the Class specification as shown in the ProGuard manual.
Try replacing:
-keep class com.xxx.A
-keep class com.xxx.** {*;}
I'm using that rule with the following file and it's working fine on Android Studio 2.2.3 with build tools 25.0.1 (just in case those might affect the version of ProGuard being used)
package com.xxx;
public class A {
public class B {
public class C {
As you can see the only real difference between my file and yours is that my inner classes are public and non-static.
If that doesn't work
You can always use a rule without wildcards. The following will do the trick:
-keep class com.xxx.A$B$D