How to use bootstrap in mPDF?

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2020-02-27 09:18:21


I am currently using mpdf to generate my pdfs from html. So far with my current html that I am passing in, I am able to generate a one page pdf with a header and footer. However, if there is more than one page, my footer goes all the way to the bottom of the second page. Is there a way to add a header and footer for each page?

I have tried $pdf->setHTMLHeader but it doesn't seem to take my css files in and it leaves an x where my logo is supposed to be. How can I do this? I have tried searching in various places but I can't seem to find a solution.

This is my code

public function generate_pdf($account_id,$transaction_id,$html){
        $document_folder = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/".DOCUMENT_FOLDER."/".PAYMENT_RECEIPTS."/".date("Y");
        $extension = ".pdf";
            mkdir($document_folder, 0777,true);
        $file_name = md5($transaction_id.$account_id);
        $pdf = $this->m_pdf->load();
        $header = $this->load->view('pdfs/header','',true);
        $footer = $this->load->view('pdfs/footer','',true);
        $pdf->AddPage('', // L - landscape, P - portrait 
            '', '', '', '',
            5, // margin_left
            5, // margin right
           60, // margin top
           30, // margin bottom
            0, // margin header
        ); // margin footer
        $pdf->Output($document_folder."/".$file_name.$extension, "F");
        $result = array(
        return $result;


Also, is there a way to know if the output of the PDF was successful? Currently $pdf->Output only returns ""

Thank you


mPDF does not support Bootstrap styles entirely. An option would be some alternative such as headless-chrome based wkhtmltopdf.

one of the mpdf guy told that bootstrap not supported out-of-the-box inside mpdf and you have to use some custom style. Github link

Hope this will help to solve your problem.


plase visit this site it's definitely help you: I want to set header and footer in pdf using mpdf

also Please look this link:

Also Check This For: Method 2 This uses RUNTIME HTML headers & footers. This is the simplest & quickest way to program a header/footer once for the whole document that includes images or uses more complex layout styles.


In my case, I'm using Bootstrap 3.3.7 with MPDF version 6.0. It's working perfectly without any error.

$stylesheet = file_get_contents('css/bootstrap-3.3.7.min.css');
$pdf->WriteHTML($stylesheet, 1); // CSS Script goes here.
$pdf->WriteHTML($html, 2); //HTML Content goes here.

