
假如想象 提交于 2020-02-27 04:25:29

在分布式调度中为了保证服务的高可用和容灾需求,通常都会讲服务在多个区域、机架、节点上平均分布,从而避免单点故障引起的服务不可用,在k8s中自然也实现了该算法即SelectorSpread, 本文就来学习下这个算法的底层实现细节

1. 设计要点

1.1 zone与node


1.2 namespace


1.3 计数与聚合

SelectorSpread算法是scheduler中优先级算法的一种,其实现了优先级算法的map/reduce方法,其中map阶段需要完成对各个节点亲和性的统计, 也就是统计该节点上的匹配的pod的数量,而reduce阶段则是聚合所有匹配的数量,进行统计打分

1.4 参考对象


1.5 选择器

image.png 在传统的基于数据库的设计中,数据之间的关联关系通常是基于外键或者对象id来实现模型之间的关联,而在kubernetes中则是通过selector来进行这种关系的映射,通过给对象定义不同的label然后在label上构造选择器,从而实现各种资源之间的相互关联

2. 实现原理

2.1 选择器

2.1.1 选择器接口


type Selector interface {
	// Matches returns true if this selector matches the given set of labels.
	Matches(Labels) bool
    	// String returns a human readable string that represents this selector.
	String() string

	// Add adds requirements to the Selector
	Add(r ...Requirement) Selector

2.1.2 资源筛选

image.png Selector数组的实现其实也很简单,就是遍历所有相关联的资源,然后用当前的pod上的Label标签去搜索,如果发现有资源包含当前pod的标签,就把对应资源的所有Selector都获取出来,加入到selectors数组中

func getSelectors(pod *v1.Pod, sl algorithm.ServiceLister, cl algorithm.ControllerLister, rsl algorithm.ReplicaSetLister, ssl algorithm.StatefulSetLister) []labels.Selector {
    var selectors []labels.Selector
    if services, err := sl.GetPodServices(pod); err == nil {
        for _, service := range services {
            selectors = append(selectors, labels.SelectorFromSet(service.Spec.Selector))
    if rcs, err := cl.GetPodControllers(pod); err == nil {
        for _, rc := range rcs {
            selectors = append(selectors, labels.SelectorFromSet(rc.Spec.Selector))
    if rss, err := rsl.GetPodReplicaSets(pod); err == nil {
        for _, rs := range rss {
            if selector, err := metav1.LabelSelectorAsSelector(rs.Spec.Selector); err == nil {
                selectors = append(selectors, selector)
    if sss, err := ssl.GetPodStatefulSets(pod); err == nil {
        for _, ss := range sss {
            if selector, err := metav1.LabelSelectorAsSelector(ss.Spec.Selector); err == nil {
                selectors = append(selectors, selector)
    return selectors

2.1 算法注册与初始化

2.1.1 算法注册

在构建算法的时候,首先会从参数中获取各种资源的Lister, 其实就是筛选对象的一个接口,可以从该接口中获取集群中对应类型的所有资源

			MapReduceFunction: func(args factory.PluginFactoryArgs) (priorities.PriorityMapFunction, priorities.PriorityReduceFunction) {
				return priorities.NewSelectorSpreadPriority(args.ServiceLister, args.ControllerLister, args.ReplicaSetLister, args.StatefulSetLister)
			Weight: 1,

2.1.2 算法初始化


func NewSelectorSpreadPriority(
	serviceLister algorithm.ServiceLister,
	controllerLister algorithm.ControllerLister,
	replicaSetLister algorithm.ReplicaSetLister,
	statefulSetLister algorithm.StatefulSetLister) (PriorityMapFunction, PriorityReduceFunction) {
	selectorSpread := &SelectorSpread{
		serviceLister:     serviceLister,
		controllerLister:  controllerLister,
		replicaSetLister:  replicaSetLister,
		statefulSetLister: statefulSetLister,
	return selectorSpread.CalculateSpreadPriorityMap, selectorSpread.CalculateSpreadPriorityReduce

2.2 CalculateSpreadPriorityMap

2.2.1 构建选择器


	var selectors []labels.Selector
	node := nodeInfo.Node()
	if node == nil {
		return schedulerapi.HostPriority{}, fmt.Errorf("node not found")

	priorityMeta, ok := meta.(*priorityMetadata)
	if ok {
        // 在priorityMeta构建的时候已经完成
		selectors = priorityMeta.podSelectors
	} else {
		// 获取当前pod的所有的selector 包括service  rs rc
		selectors = getSelectors(pod, s.serviceLister, s.controllerLister, s.replicaSetLister, s.statefulSetLister)

	if len(selectors) == 0 {
		return schedulerapi.HostPriority{
			Host:  node.Name,
			Score: int(0),
		}, nil

2.2.2 统计匹配计数

image.png 统计计数其实就是根据上面的selector数组逐个遍历当前node上面的所有pod如果发现全都匹配则计数一次,最后返回当前节点上匹配的pod的数量(这里的匹配是指的所有都匹配即跟当前的pod的所有label匹配都一样)

func countMatchingPods(namespace string, selectors []labels.Selector, nodeInfo *schedulernodeinfo.NodeInfo) int {
	//  计算当前node上面匹配的node的数量
	if nodeInfo.Pods() == nil || len(nodeInfo.Pods()) == 0 || len(selectors) == 0 {
		return 0
	count := 0
	for _, pod := range nodeInfo.Pods() {
		// 这里会跳过不同namespace和被删除的pod
		if namespace == pod.Namespace && pod.DeletionTimestamp == nil {
			matches := true
			// 遍历所有的选择器,如果不匹配,则会立马跳出
			for _, selector := range selectors {
				if !selector.Matches(labels.Set(pod.Labels)) { 
					matches = false
			if matches {
				count++ // 记录当前节点上匹配的pod的数量
	return count

2.2.3 返回统计结果


	count := countMatchingPods(pod.Namespace, selectors, nodeInfo)

	return schedulerapi.HostPriority{
		Host:  node.Name,
		Score: count,
	}, nil

2.4 CalculateAntiAffinityPriorityReduce

2.4.1 计数器


	countsByZone := make(map[string]int, 10)
	maxCountByZone := int(0)
	maxCountByNodeName := int(0)

2.4.2 单节点最大统计与zone区域聚合

	for i := range result {
		if result[i].Score > maxCountByNodeName {
			maxCountByNodeName = result[i].Score // 寻找单节点上的最大pod数量
		zoneID := utilnode.GetZoneKey(nodeNameToInfo[result[i].Host].Node())
		if zoneID == "" {
        // 进行zone所有node匹配pod的聚合
		countsByZone[zoneID] += result[i].Score

2.4.3 zone最大值统计

	for zoneID := range countsByZone {
		if countsByZone[zoneID] > maxCountByZone {
			maxCountByZone = countsByZone[zoneID]

2.4.4 核心计算打分算法

image.png 核心打分算法流程包含两个级别:node级别和zone级别,其算法为: node: 10 * ((单节点最大匹配数量)-当前node的匹配数量)/最大节点匹配数量) = fscode zone: 10 * ((单zone最大匹配数量)-当前zone的匹配数量)/最大zone匹配数量) = zoneScore 合并: fScore * (1.0 - zoneWeighting)) + (zoneWeighting * zoneScore (zoneWeighting=2/3) 即优先进行zone级别分布,其次再是node

比如分别有3个node其匹配pod数量分别为: node1:3, node2:5, node3:10 则打分结果为: node1: 10 * ((10-3)/10) = 7 node2: 10 * ((10-5)/10) = 5 node3: (10* ((10-5)/10) = 0 可以看到其上匹配的pod数量越多最终的优先级则越小 假设分别有3个zone(跟node编号相同), 则zone得分为:zone1=7, zone2=5, zone3=0 最终计分(zoneWeighting=2/3): node1=7, node2=5, node3=0

	maxCountByNodeNameFloat64 := float64(maxCountByNodeName)
	maxCountByZoneFloat64 := float64(maxCountByZone)
	MaxPriorityFloat64 := float64(schedulerapi.MaxPriority)

	for i := range result {
		// initializing to the default/max node score of maxPriority
		fScore := MaxPriorityFloat64
		if maxCountByNodeName > 0 {
			fScore = MaxPriorityFloat64 * (float64(maxCountByNodeName-result[i].Score) / maxCountByNodeNameFloat64)
		// If there is zone information present, incorporate it
		if haveZones {
			zoneID := utilnode.GetZoneKey(nodeNameToInfo[result[i].Host].Node())
			if zoneID != "" {
				zoneScore := MaxPriorityFloat64
				if maxCountByZone > 0 {
					zoneScore = MaxPriorityFloat64 * (float64(maxCountByZone-countsByZone[zoneID]) / maxCountByZoneFloat64)
				fScore = (fScore * (1.0 - zoneWeighting)) + (zoneWeighting * zoneScore)
		result[i].Score = int(fScore)
		if klog.V(10) {
				"%v -> %v: SelectorSpreadPriority, Score: (%d)", pod.Name, result[i].Host, int(fScore),


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