QML RTSP Stream from a network camera

家住魔仙堡 提交于 2020-02-25 13:29:13


I have a question about the RTSP Stream. How can I display a RTSP Stream from a netwok camera in qml?

the settings:

  • Qt5.10
  • Camera: LunaIP L-DA-5203-V2
  • OS: Windows 7

Things I have tested:

QML: Camera, MediaPlayer, VideoOutput

Until now I didn't found any things how I can solve it in QML?


There are 2 ways, which worked for me:

1.) In my form.ui.qml I'm using the MediaPlayer and the VideoOutput components

    MediaPlayer {
        id: videoPlayer
        source: "rtsp://"
        muted: true
        autoPlay: true

    VideoOutput {
        id: camera1
        width: 100
        height: 100
        anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
        source: videoPlayer

2.) OR I'm using the Video compoennt in my form.ui.qml as follow

    Video {
        id: cam1Stream
        x: 49
        y: 91
        width: 505
        height: 336
        source: "rtsp://"
        autoPlay: true
        opacity: 1.0
        fillMode: Image.Stretch
        muted: false

