How do Display A Layout With a Variable Number of Items in an Array (PHP)

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2020-02-25 09:44:27


If I give you an array of objects, lets assume there are x number of objects how would you do the following using a grid system (bootstrap, foundation ... doesn't matter):

Loop Over the array and create something that replicates:

No I have been able to create this by doing:

echo "<div class='row'>";
    for($i = 0; $i < count($options['fields']); $i++) {

        // Increate the value of I and convert it from 1 to one.
        $numberToWord = new FreyaTheme\NumberToWord\Conversion();
        $wordRepersentation = $numberToWord->convert($i + 1);

        if (isset($options['fields']['logo_image_' . $wordRepersentation])) {
            if ($i <= 2) {
                echo '<div class="medium-4 columns r3x1">';
                    echo '<img src="'.$options['fields']['logo_image_' . $wordRepersentation].'" />';
                echo '</div>';
            } else if ($i <= 6) {
                echo '<div class="medium-3 columns r4x1">';
                    echo '<img src="'.$options['fields']['logo_image_' . $wordRepersentation].'" />';
                echo '</div>';
            } else if ($i <= 9) {
                echo '<div class="medium-4 columns r3x1">';
                    echo '<img src="'.$options['fields']['logo_image_' . $wordRepersentation].'" />';
                echo '</div>';
echo "</div>";

Now this, while a bit messy with the logic here - works for 10 items. Now imagine I give you 800. or 8 or 2 or 1 or ... you get the idea. Regardless of how many items I give you, this pattern, this box layout needs to repeat. I don't care if you give me 6 or 6000 objects.

I can do this with 10, but I don't know how to scale it. Ideas?


Well this is one solution. Ofc you have to make it responsive yourself and use css classes instead of inline css:

<div style="padding: 5px; text-align:center;">
    for($i = 0; $i < 5; ++$i)
        //output 3
        if ($i%2 == 0)
            <div style="display:inline-block; border:1px solid #000; width: 200px; margin-bottom: 10px;">
                <span style="padding: 40px; display:inline-block; text-align:center;">350*150</span>
        //output 4
            <div style="padding: 5px; display:inline-block; border:1px solid red; width: 138px; margin-bottom: 10px;">
                <span style="padding: 30px; display:inline-block; text-align:center;">350*150</span>

