I am new to Machine Learning and am in the process of trying to run a simple classification model that I trained and saved using pickle, on another dataset of the same format. I have the following python code.
#Training set
features = pd.read_csv('../Data/Train_sop_Computed.csv')
#Testing set
testFeatures = pd.read_csv('../Data/Test_sop_Computed.csv')
print(colored('\nThe shape of our features is:','green'), features.shape)
print(colored('\nThe shape of our Test features is:','green'), testFeatures.shape)
features = pd.get_dummies(features)
testFeatures = pd.get_dummies(testFeatures)
labels = np.array(features['Truth'])
testlabels = np.array(testFeatures['Truth'])
features= features.drop('Truth', axis = 1)
testFeatures = testFeatures.drop('Truth', axis = 1)
feature_list = list(features.columns)
testFeature_list = list(testFeatures.columns)
def add_missing_dummy_columns(d, columns):
missing_cols = set(columns) - set(d.columns)
for c in missing_cols:
d[c] = 0
def fix_columns(d, columns):
add_missing_dummy_columns(d, columns)
# make sure we have all the columns we need
assert (set(columns) - set(d.columns) == set())
extra_cols = set(d.columns) - set(columns)
if extra_cols: print("extra columns:", extra_cols)
d = d[columns]
return d
testFeatures = fix_columns(testFeatures, features.columns)
features = np.array(features)
testFeatures = np.array(testFeatures)
train_samples = 100
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = model_selection.train_test_split(features, labels, test_size = 0.25, random_state = 42)
testX_train, textX_test, testy_train, testy_test = model_selection.train_test_split(testFeatures, testlabels, test_size= 0.25, random_state = 42)
print(colored('\n TRAINING SET','yellow'))
print(colored('\nTraining Features Shape:','magenta'), X_train.shape)
print(colored('Training Labels Shape:','magenta'), X_test.shape)
print(colored('Testing Features Shape:','magenta'), y_train.shape)
print(colored('Testing Labels Shape:','magenta'), y_test.shape)
print(colored('\n TESTING SETS','yellow'))
print(colored('\nTraining Features Shape:','magenta'), testX_train.shape)
print(colored('Training Labels Shape:','magenta'), textX_test.shape)
print(colored('Testing Features Shape:','magenta'), testy_train.shape)
print(colored('Testing Labels Shape:','magenta'), testy_test.shape)
from sklearn.metrics import precision_recall_fscore_support
import pickle
loaded_model_RFC = pickle.load(open('../other/SOPmodel_RFC', 'rb'))
result_RFC = loaded_model_RFC.score(textX_test, testy_test)
print(colored('Random Forest Classifier: ','magenta'),result_RFC)
loaded_model_SVC = pickle.load(open('../other/SOPmodel_SVC', 'rb'))
result_SVC = loaded_model_SVC.score(textX_test, testy_test)
print(colored('Support Vector Classifier: ','magenta'),result_SVC)
loaded_model_GPC = pickle.load(open('../other/SOPmodel_Gaussian', 'rb'))
result_GPC = loaded_model_GPC.score(textX_test, testy_test)
print(colored('Gaussian Process Classifier: ','magenta'),result_GPC)
loaded_model_SGD = pickle.load(open('../other/SOPmodel_SGD', 'rb'))
result_SGD = loaded_model_SGD.score(textX_test, testy_test)
print(colored('Stocastic Gradient Descent: ','magenta'),result_SGD)
I am able to get the results for the test set.
But the problem I am facing is that I need to run the model on the entire
dataset. But it is only being run on the test dataset that I've split. I would sincerely appreciate if anyone could provide any suggestions on how I can run the loaded model on the entire dataset. I know that I'm going wrong with the following line of code.
testX_train, textX_test, testy_train, testy_test = model_selection.train_test_split(testFeatures, testlabels, test_size= 0.25, random_state = 42)
Both the train and test dataset have the Subject
, Predicate
, Object
, Computed
and Truth
and the features with the Truth
being the predicted class. The testing dataset has the actual values for this Truth
column and I dopr it usingtestFeatures = testFeatures.drop('Truth', axis = 1)
and intend on using the various loaded models of classifiers to predict this Truth
as 0 or 1 for the entire dataset and then get the predictions as an array.
I have done this so far. But I think that I am splitting my test dataset as well. Is there a way to pass the entire test dataset even if it is in another file?
This test dataset is in the same format as the training set. I have checked the shape of the two and I get the following.
Confirming the Features and Shape
Shape of the Train features is: (1860, 5)
Shape of the Test features is: (1386, 5)
Training Features Shape: (1395, 1045)
Training Labels Shape: (465, 1045)
Testing Features Shape: (1395,)
Testing Labels Shape: (465,)
Training Features Shape: (1039, 1045)
Training Labels Shape: (347, 1045)
Testing Features Shape: (1039,)
Testing Labels Shape: (347,)
Any suggestions in this regard will be highly appreciated.
Your question is a bit unclear but as I understand, you want to run your model on testX_train and on testX_test (which is just testFeatures splitted into two sub datasets).
So, either you can run your model on testX_train the same way you did for testX_test, e.g. :
result_RFC_train = loaded_model_RFC.score(textX_train, testy_train)
or you can just remove the following line :
testX_train, textX_test, testy_train, testy_test = model_selection.train_test_split(testFeatures, testlabels, test_size= 0.25, random_state = 42)
So you just don't split you data and run it on the full dataset :
result_RFC_train = loaded_model_RFC.score(testFeatures, testlabels)