一、f‘xxx {a}’
前面加 f 后面变量加上大括号,要有变量,且引用的时候要被扩起来
example 01
>>> event = 'tornado'
>>> year = 2005.123456
>>> print(f'There is an {event} in {year:.3f}') #保留小数的位数
There is an tornado in 2005.123
example 02
a = str(input('please input the first name: '))
b = str(input('please input the second name: '))
print(f'{a} and {b} are helping each other.')
please input the first name: wyb
please input the second name: xz
wyb and xz are helping each other.
二、print(’{} xxx {}’.format(a,b))
print(’{} xxx {}’.format(a,b))
位置指定时,第一个是0 第二个是1
a = str(input('please input the first name: '))
b = str(input('please input the second name: '))
print('{} and {} are caring about each other.'.format(a,b))
please input the first name: wyb
please input the second name: xz
wyb and xz are caring about each other.
三、’%d xxx %d‘%(a,b,c)
每个百分号% 后面都要有对于其类型的定义
a = str(input('please input the first name: '))
b = str(input('please input the second name: '))
print('%s and %s are hard-working.'%(a,b)) # s代表的是字符型 d代表的是数值型
[s代表的是字符型 d代表的是数值型且保留整数 f代表的是数值型且保留小数]
please input the first name: wyb
please input the second name: xz
wyb and xz are hard-working.
a = int(input('a='))
b = int(input('b='))
print('%d + %d= %d'%(a,b,a+b))
print('{} * {}= {}'.format(a,b,a*b))
print(f'{a} % {b}= {a%b}')
7 + 2= 9
7 * 2= 14
7 % 2= 1