Android (Java) With thermal printer and blue stacks does not print non-english words

柔情痞子 提交于 2020-02-06 23:49:30


long story short, i have implemented an android restaurant application that runs on blue stacks 4, the app has a printing functionality that uses an Ethernet connection to print the receipts from a thermal printer.

the printer is set correctly as for now it prints test pages and receipts in English, but it does not print non-English words.

what i tried so far :

  • String str = new String("تعطي يونيكود رقما فريدا لكل حرف".getBytes(), "UTF-8"); and every other utf/iso related formatting but non seem to work

  • what i concluded so far : the printer prints on a c# programs. the printer is set up correctly. its not from the bluestacks default language.

and here is the code implemented in the function.

try {

      Socket socket = new Socket("", 9100);
      PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(socket.getOutputStream());

      String s=  new String("محمد الزعبي".getBytes(),"UTF-8")  ;
  } catch (Exception e) {
      new AlertDialog.Builder(Emppage.this).setMessage("error: "+e).show();

