How to use pipenv in Python shell script?

笑着哭i 提交于 2020-02-05 04:34:09


I needed a module for a shell script I've written in Python, so I used pipenv to install it. I can run the command fine using:

~$ pipenv run python3 foo

Now, if I want to just run ~$ foo on the command line (fish shell on MacOS, homebrew installed), how do I invoke the pipenv environment in the shebang of my Python script? Or is there a better way?


With pipenv-shebang you can run your script with

pipenv-shebang PATH/SCRIPT

or you could insert the shebang

#!/usr/bin/env pipenv-shebang

to run it with just PATH/SCRIPT.


As documented here you need to activate the virtual environment first. This will spawn another shell with the virtual environment activated

$ pipenv shell

so that you can run

$ python foo

to execute your script. Then you can use

#!/usr/bin/env python

on the first line of your script and make the script executable (chmod +x so that you can run

$ ./foo

If the location of that script is part of your PATH environment variable, you should be able to run now


If you don't like the extension you will have to remove from your script too


create wrapper file like below works for me, but little bit hacky way.

import subprocess
if __name__ == '__main__':['pipenv', 'run', 'foo'])

