How to render an input field in a template bound to a model field in Django

自作多情 提交于 2020-02-04 22:57:16


The problem seems so solvable yet it eludes me. Hope I am able to explain my predicament.

I am trying to include a jQuery autocomplete in a form. The autocomplete itself is working fine. I am now trying to link it to a model which is something like this:

class SupplierCatchment(models.Model):
    supp = models.ForeignKey(Supplier.....)
    supp_area = models.ForeignKey(Country, ...)
    supp_remarks = models.CharField(max_length=150,...)

For rendering the form, I am using a model form.

Case 1:

In my template I am rendering the fields manually looping through the fields. For the autocomplete field, however I am using html input like this:


{% if == "supp_area" %}
    <input type="text" id="supp_area" name="supp_area" placeholder="..."> <!-- My area of concern -->
{% else %}
    {{ field }}


During processing, the autocomplete field id="supp_area" picks up the values correctly from the Country model.

However on saving, I am able to save only the data entered in field supp_remarks and the field supp_area remains blank (it is not a required field).

Case 2:

I have tried to force field id using attrs in my model form like this (adapted from here):

class CreateSuppAreaForm(forms.ModelForm):
    class Meta:
        model = SupplierCatchment
        fields = ('supp_area', 'supp_remarks')
        widgets = {
            'supp_area': forms.TextInput(attrs={'id': 'country_search', 'placeholder': 'type...'}),   # 'id' being used in template autocomplete script

However, in this case I am getting the following error:

Select a valid choice. That choice is not one of the available choices.

I find it somewhat strange given that both the model field supp_area and the jQuery autocomplete view are referring to the same FK model Country.

What is needed to be done so that the input field id="supp_area" value is saved. I would personally like to use the Case 1.


The jQuery Code

    $( "#supp_area" ).autocomplete({
        source: "{% url 'country_search' %}",
        minLength: 2,
//      delay: 20,


path('country_search/', CountrySearch, name='country_search'),

