How to get the Message read/unread report in xmpp frame work?

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2020-02-01 08:17:04


HI I am developing chat app so i am using xmpp framework.Chatting is working fine but how to get the message delivery like in whatsapp, facebook etc.,i searched for that i found some document here is my code upto now i am implemented

in connect Method

XMPPMessageDeliveryReceipts* xmppMessageDeliveryRecipts = [[XMPPMessageDeliveryReceipts alloc] initWithDispatchQueue:dispatch_get_main_queue()];
xmppMessageDeliveryRecipts.autoSendMessageDeliveryReceipts = YES;
xmppMessageDeliveryRecipts.autoSendMessageDeliveryRequests = YES;
[xmppMessageDeliveryRecipts activate:self.xmppStream];

added this lines in sending messsage method

NSXMLElement *request = [NSXMLElement elementWithName:@"request"];
 [request addAttributeWithName:@"xmlns" stringValue:@"urn:xmpp:receipts"];
 [message addChild:request];
[message addChild:body];

but This is for message delivered or not how can we check the deliverd message read or not i have seen these extentions XEP-0184,XEP-0333 but I don't have any idea to implement the read /unread messages. please help me


If you want to get the read receipts then instead of sending auto message delivery receipts, send it whenever user reads that message. Each message has it's corresponding message_id. Use that message_id to send the delivery receipt for the particular message that has been read. So, comment the following line

//xmppMessageDeliveryRecipts.autoSendMessageDeliveryReceipts = YES;

I solved this problem by adding 'chatStatus' attribute in my message entity. For sender I have kept value of chatStatus as sent, unsent, or received(received by other side or not). For Receiver Side I have kept the Values as read or unread(Have I read message or not, So that for unread message I could send read Receipts).

On Click Of send Button:

//Save to your Message Entity 

NSMutableDictionary *m = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
[m setObject: message_body forKey:@"message_body"];
[m setObject:messageID forKey:@"message_id"];
[m setObject:@"yes" forKey:@"isOutgoing"];
[m setObject:dateString forKey:@"date"];
[m setObject:timeString forKey:@"time"];
[m setObject:[NSDate date] forKey:@"timeStamp"];
[m setObject:yourId forKey:@"from"];
[m setObject:toId forKey:@"to"];

if (!Is_InternetAvailable]) {
 [m setObject:unsent forKey:@"chatStatus"];
 [m setObject:sent forKey:@"chatStatus"];
[[CoreDataMethods sharedCoreDataMethods] saveUserMessage:m];

In cellForRowAtIndexPath:

if ([message isoutGoing]) {//If I have sent the message

        // Mine bubble
        if ([[messageDict valueForKey:@"chatStatus"] isEqualToString:unsent]) {
            //set unsent image
        else if ([[messageDict valueForKey:@"chatStatus"] isEqualToString:sent]){
            //set sent image
        else if ([[messageDict valueForKey:@"chatStatus"] isEqualToString:received]){
          //set Received Image
        // Other Bubble , Notify them that you have read the message if it is unread/new message

        if ([[messageDict valueForKey:@"chatStatus"] isEqualToString:unread]) {

            //send read receipt
                NSXMLElement *receivedelement = [NSXMLElement elementWithName:@"received" xmlns:@"urn:xmpp:receipts"];

                NSXMLElement *message = [NSXMLElement elementWithName:@"message" xmlns:@"jabber:client"];
                [message addAttributeWithName:@"to" stringValue:toId];
                [message addAttributeWithName:@"from" stringValue:fromID];
                [receivedelement addAttributeWithName:@"id" stringValue:[messageDict valueForKey:@"message_id"]];
                [message addChild:receivedelement];

                //XMPPMessage *generatedReceiptResponse = [[messageDict valueForKey:@"xmppMessage"] generateReceiptResponse];
                [[[kAppDelegate xmppHandler] xmppStream] sendElement:message];

                // update message entity
                [self updateChatStatus:read withMessageID:[messageDict valueForKey:@"message_id"]];

And finally when you receive the delivery Receipt in didReceiveMessage, update the chatStatus to received

- (void)xmppStream:(XMPPStream *)sender didReceiveMessage:(XMPPMessage *)message{

if ([message hasReceiptResponse]) {//message read
//Update database message entity
 [self updateChatStatus:@"received" withMessageID:[message receiptResponseID]];

You could set the values of chatStatus as per your requirement. As for unsent messages I have set it as sent in didSendMessage delegate.

Hope it Helps!!


You can set id attribute of message tag using this id you can check packet is received or not .For more detail read xmpp specification .Check These links

