Bind metafunction: accept both types and template template parameters (accept anything)

拥有回忆 提交于 2020-02-01 05:33:05


I'm trying to write a Bind metaprogramming template helper metafunction that binds a template parameter to something.

I have a working implementation for simple template metafunctions:

template<typename T0, typename T1>
struct MakePair
    using type = std::pair<T0, T1>;

template<template<typename...> class TF, typename... Ts>
struct Bind
    template<typename... TArgs>
    using type = TF<Ts..., TArgs...>;

using PairWithInt = typename Bind<MakePair, int>::type;
static_assert(std::is_same<PairWithInt<float>, MakePair<int, float>>{}, "");

But what if MakePair's template arguments were template templates? Or simple numerical values?

template<template<typename> class T0, template<typename> class T1>
struct MakePair0
    using type = /*...*/;

template<template<typename...> class TF, template<typename> class... Ts>
struct Bind0 { /*...*/ }

// ...

template<int T0, int T1>
struct MakePair1
    using type = /*...*/;

template<template<int...> class TF, int... Ts>
struct Bind1 { /*...*/ }

A lot of unnecessary repetition. It gets unmanageable if template arguments are mixed between types, template templates, and integral constants.

Is something like the following piece of code possible?

template<template<ANYTHING...> class TF, ANYTHING... Ts>
struct BindAnything
    template<ANYTHING... TArgs>
    using type = TF<Ts..., TArgs...>;

ANYTHING would accept types, template templates, template template templates, integral values, etc...


When I'm doing serious metaprogramming, I turn everything into types.

template<class T>struct tag{using type=T;};
template<class Tag>using type_t=typename Tag::type;

template<template<class...>class> struct Z {};
template<class Z, class...Ts>
struct apply {};
template<template<class...>class z, class...ts>
struct apply< Z<z>, ts... >:
  tag< z<ts...> >
template<class Z, class...Ts>
using apply_t = type_t< apply<Z, Ts...> >;

now we pass template<?> foo around as Z<foo>, and it is now a type.

Similar things can be done for constants, using std::integral_constant<T, t> (and easier to use aliases of same), or template<class T, T* p> struct pointer_constant {};, by turning them into types.

Once everything is a type, your metaprogramming becomes more uniform. Templates just become a kind of type on which apply_t does things to.

There is no way in C++ to have a template argument that can be a type, a value or a template. So this is about the best you can get.

templates not written for the above pattern need to be wrapped up, and their arguments "lifted" to being types. As an example:

template<class T, class t>
using number_constant = std::integral_constant< T, t{} >;
using number_constant_z = Z<number_constant>;

has had its arguments "lifted" from values to types, and then it has been wrapped with a Z to turn itself into a type.

Bind now reads:

template<class z, class... Ts>
struct Bind {
  template<class... More>
  using type_base = apply_t< z, Ts..., More... >;
  using type = Z<type_base>;
template<class Z, class...Ts>
using Bind_t = type_t<Bind<Z,Ts...>>; // strip ::type
using Bind_z = Z<Bind_t>; // quote into a Z<?>

and Bind_z is a type wrapping a template that returns a wrapped template, and takes a type that wraps a template as its first argument.

To use it:

template<class...>struct types{using type=types;};
using types_z=Z<types>;

using prefix =apply_t< Bind_z, types_z, Ts... >;
using prefix_z = Z<prefix>;

prefix_z takes a set of types, and generates a factory of types<?...> that will contain the prefix Ts... first.

apply_t< apply_t< prefix_z, int, double, char >, std::string >


types< int, double, char, std::string >

live example.

There is another fun approach: do metaprogramming in functions:

template<template<class...>class z, class...Ts>
constexpr auto apply_f( Z<z>, tag<Ts>... )
-> tag<z<Ts...>> { return {}; }

here, types are represented by values of type tag<t>, templates a Z<z> and values as std::integral_constant<?>.

These two:

template<class T>
constexpr tag<T> Tag = {};
template<template<class...>class z>
constexpr Z<z> Zag = {};

give you ways to get values that represent types and templates respectively.

#define TYPEOF(...) type_t<decltype(__VA_ARGS__)>

is a macro that moves from an instance of a tag to type type in the tag, and Tag<?> moves from a type to an instance of a tag.

TYPEOF( apply_f( apply_f( Zag<prefix>, Tag<int>, Tag<double>, Tag<char> ), Tag<std::string> ) )


apply_t< apply_t< prefix_z, int, double, char >, std::string >

strange, but can be interesting.


I think you're looking for quote and map here. First, you want something that given a "metafunction class" and a sequence of arguments gives you a new type:

template <typename MCls, typename... Args>
using map = typename MCls::template apply<Args...>;

As the implementation here suggests, a metafunction class is one that has an member alias template named apply.

To turn a class template into a metafunction class, we introduce quote:

template <template <typename...> class C>
struct quote {
    template <typename... Args>
    using apply = C<Args...>;

The above is sufficient to do something like:

using T = map<quote<std::tuple>, int, char, double>;

to yield the type:

std::tuple<int, char, double>

In your example, we could write:

using P = map<quote<MakePair>, int, char>::type; // std::pair<int, char>

but I would instead prefer to make MakePair a metafunction class directly:

struct MakePair2 {
    template <typename T, typename U>
    using apply = std::pair<T, U>;

using P = map<MakePair2, int, char>; // also std::pair<int, char>

that avoids the extra ::type.

Consistently use the concepts of metafunction (a type with a member typedef named type, e.g. map) and a metafunction class (a type with a member template alias named apply, e.g. quote) and use only those concepts throughout your metaprogramming code. Values and class templates are second-class citizens.

