Extending Stargazer

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2020-02-01 04:21:06


I've long used apsrtable to quickly create model comparison tables, but I find it somewhat unattractive and clunky, so my dissertation tables were hand-coded tables with \Sexpr expressions. I was excited to find stargazer, but disappointed that some models I use aren't supported.

With apsrtable you can fairly easily extend a model by updating the apsrtableSummary and ModelInfo methods (as in this question/answer).

I've been looking (but haven't found) for a similar method to extend stargazer to the following models:

  1. lme
  2. mlogit
  3. spdep

Anyone have any experience with this/know of how to do it?


This is an old question, I do not have a solution that will fit the critia given by OP. However the newest version of stargazer supports all of the models requested.

For refenrece see; https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/stargazer/stargazer.pdf under the function "stargazer_models, page 13 and forward.

