I'm new to java . I'm using eclipse. I want to create database project using derby . I installed two files for derby called derby_ui_doc_plugin_1.1.3.zip
and derby_core_plugin_10.8.2.zip
and extracted them in plug ins of eclipse but when I opened the eclipse I couldn't find data management or data source
or anything that told me that derby is installed . Thanks in advance
i'm working on Kepler Service Release 2
if version is old . how can i update it ?
These plugins are very old and are not supported by current versions of Eclipse.
Derby no longer provide a UI or plugins for Eclipse. You can still use the Derby jars in plugins but without the UI.
To use the Derby jars in an Eclipse plugin include them in the plugin folder and add the jars to the plugin classpath. You do this by opening the MANIFEST.MF editor and add the jars to the 'Classpath' list on the 'Runtime' tab.