How to use the setEnv variable in apache?

耗尽温柔 提交于 2019-11-27 14:23:51


I need to set my apache environment to 'foobar'

I know I need to set in in my vhost, but what should I type there and where?


SetEnv sets a particular variable to some value, so you need something like

SetEnv varname varvalue

If this is for a specific virtual host, and you have access to the Apache configuration files, this would go inside the <VirtualHost> directive for that virtual host.

If you don't have control of the config files, you'll need to put it in a .htaccess file. But for this to work, SetEnv must be allowed in .htaccess files, which is specified using the AllowOverride directive.


I came here because I configured a python/django WSGI environment. Loading modules and SetEnv'ing all day long. Did not work. The vars would just not show up.

What did work was this:

Graham describes how to basically clone your file and then use a different one for each environment (production, test, dev) and setting your environment vars in there with os.environ['whatever'] = 'you like!'

