How to reset groupbox items? [duplicate]

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2020-01-26 00:54:44


I wanna clean my groupbox items after i click an button.

I tried some code blocks, but they don´t work for reset controls.

I don´t wanna remove or delete it, I just wanna reset the items in the groupbox.

This is working for remove groupbox items.

 public void ClearPanels(GroupBox control)

or this


It looks like this, before click.

And when I click the button, as you can see on the right side.

It is removed, but I want to reset it.

Any ideas how I can do this ?


I'm going to asume that clear means to leave it all by default. You need to llop all the controls inside the groupbox and depending on what control they are do something or something else.

foreach (Control ctr in GB.Controls)
    if (ctr is TextBox)
        ctr.Text = "";
    else if (ctr is CheckedListBox)
        CheckedListBox clb = (CheckedListBox)ctr;
        foreach (int checkedItemIndex in clb.CheckedIndices)
            clb.SetItemChecked(checkedItemIndex, false);
    else if (ctr is CheckBox)
        ((CheckBox)ctr).Checked = false;
    else if (ctr is ComboBox)
        ((ComboBox)ctr).SelectedIndex = 0;

I dont know what Deneyim and Not are, but i guess you get the idea of checking what it is and asigning the value you want


I think the term clear depends a little on the kind of controls you use. While for a TextBox you probably want to empty the Text property, for a ListBox you probably want to remove all items. So there is no common Clear() method for controls.

What you can do is something like that:

public void ClearPanels(GroupBox control)
    foreach(Control childControl in control.Controls)

This iterates through all child Controls in your GroupBox and resets the Text property of them. You may wish to add special treatment for certain types of Control.

If your GroupBox contains nested controls (such as another GroupBox with further controls on it), you may need to make this method recursive:

public void ClearPanels(Control control)
    foreach(Control childControl in control.Controls)
        ClearPanels(childControl); // recursive call

To really "clear" your controls, you have to check their specific type. So a little advanced method could be this:

public void ClearPanels(GroupBox control)
    foreach(ListBox listBox in control.Controls.OfType<ListBox>())
        // do more ListBox cleanup
    foreach(CheckedListBox listBox in control.Controls.OfType<CheckedListBox>())
        // do more CheckedListBox cleanup
    foreach(ListView listView in control.Controls.OfType<ListView>())
        // do more ListView cleanup
    foreach(CheckBox checkBox in control.Controls.OfType<CheckBox>())
        checkBox.Checked = false;
        // do more CheckBox cleanup
    // etc...

