Unable to set WinInet proxy from WinForms application

寵の児 提交于 2020-01-25 14:39:52


I'm running windows 7 and IE9. I'm writing a winforms application (.net 4.0 & c#) that runs a proxy server (using TcpListener) on another thread.

Before I instantiate the main form i set the proxy using InternetSetOption and start the proxy server.

My proxy setting code is very similar to the one here: Set Proxy UserName and Password using Wininet in C#

then i browse to a site in IE, IE doesn't connect to my proxy server. also, IE tools --> internet options --> connection --> lan settings --> use a proxy server for your LAN checkbox is NOT checked. but when I run fiddler, this checkbox IS checked. this means fiddler is setting the proxy correctly, but I'm not. how does fiddler do that? i have gone thru' numerous blogs, MSDN articles on InternetSetOption in vain. any help is appreciated.

My proxy server code is very similar to the one here: Simple Http proxy using Sockets: Questions

I know my proxy server works because, when I go to IE tools --> internet options --> connection --> lan settings and explicitly set the proxy server to (thats where I run my proxy server), IE and all other browsers connect to my server.


The WinINET.cs file in this code download: http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/CSWebBrowserWithProxy-c8535715 has the core functionality to set the WinINET proxy. It gets a few minor details slightly wrong, but will work properly for most cases.

