With "tensorflow for poets", I retrained the inceptionv3 graph. Now I want to use tfcoreml converter to convert the graph to an iOS coreML model.
But tf_coreml_converter.py stops with "NotImplementedError: Unsupported Ops of type: PlaceholderWithDefault".
I already tried "optimize_for_inference" and "strip_unused", but I can't get rid of this unsupported op "PlaceholderWithDefault".
Any idea what steps are needed after training in tensorflow-for-poets, to convert a "tensorflow-for-poets" graph (inceptionv3) to an iOS coreML model?
I succedded in removing the PlaceholderWithDefault op from the retrained tensorflow for poets graph with this steps:
Optimize graph for interference:
python -m tensorflow.python.tools.optimize_for_inference \ --input retrained_graph.pb \ --output graph_optimized.pb \ --input_names=Mul\ --output_names=final_result
Remove PlaceholderWithDefault op with transform_graph tool:
bazel build tensorflow/tools/graph_transforms:transform_graph bazel-bin/tensorflow/tools/graph_transforms/transform_graph \ --in_graph=graph_optimized.pb \ --out_graph=graph_optimized_stripped.pb \ --inputs='Mul' \ --outputs='final_result' \ --transforms='remove_nodes(op=PlaceholderWithDefault)'
Afterwards I could convert it to coreML. But as Matthijs already pointed out, the latest version of tfcoreml from git hub does it automatically.
Whoever created this graph used tf.placeholder_with_default()
to define the placeholder (a placeholder in TF is used for the inputs to the neural network). Since tf-coreml does not support the PlaceholderWithDefault op, you cannot use this graph.
Possible solutions:
- Define the placeholders using
instead. The problem is that you'll need to retrain the graph from scratch since Tensorflow for Poets uses a pretrained graph and you can no longer use that. - Hack the graph to replace the PlaceholderWithDefault op with Placeholder.
- Hack tf-coreml to use a Placeholder op whenever it encounters a PlaceholderWithDefault op. This is probably the quickest solution.
Update: From the code, it looks like a recent update to tf-coreml now simply skips the PlaceholderWithDefault layer. It should no longer give an error message. So if you use the latest version of tf-coreml (not using pip but by checking out the master branch of the GitHub repo) then you should no longer get this error.
import tfcoreml as tf_converter
tf_converter.convert(tf_model_path = '/Users/username/path/tf_files/retrained_graph.pb',
mlmodel_path = 'MyModel.mlmodel',
output_feature_names = ['final_result:0'],
input_name_shape_dict = {'input:0':[1,224,224,3]},
image_input_names = ['input:0'],
class_labels = '/Users/username/path/tf_files/retrained_labels.txt',
Using tfcoreml, I found success with these settings.