I've followed Ryan Bates' example on Backbone.js to start a project using Backbone + Eco. It's great. However, I'm stuck trying to display a nested attribute.
For example, I'm trying to do this: <%= @stream.user.get('name') %>
in index.jst.eco
and I'm getting Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'get' of undefined
However, I can get <%= @stream.get('stream_type') %>
to work.
Here's the REST API data:
: {
: : "id":"5004095283de4ca9ff000005",
: : "created_at":"2012-07-16T12:30:10Z",
: : "stream_type":"project",
: : "user":
: : {
: : : "id":"5002f30560de7d0ffb000003",
: : : "name":"Regular User2"
: : },
I've also tried extending my Model using Backbone.DeepModel
but that didn't seem to work.
class Project1.Collections.Streams extends Backbone.Collection
url: '/streams'
model: Topaz.Models.Stream
class Project1.Models.Stream extends Backbone.DeepModel
Here's my views on the collection, pretty standard.
class Project1.Views.StreamsIndex extends Backbone.View
template: JST['streams/index']
initialize: ->
@collection.on('reset', @render, this)
@collection.on('add', @appendStream, this) #rerenders entire template
render: ->
appendStream: (stream) =>
view = new Topaz.Views.Stream(model: stream)
@$('#streams').append(view.render().el) # looks for the #entries element within the view’s element and not on the page directly
and here's the View for the model
class Project1.Views.Stream extends Backbone.View
template: JST['streams/show']
className: 'stream-item'
initialize: ->
@model.on('change', @render, this) #The change event is triggered by Backbone when a model saves
render: ->
$(@el).html(@template(stream: @model))