I am trying to run breakpoint and I have followed the steps:
- using command line:
gem install Breakpoint
- Updated Config.rb:
require 'breakpoint'
- on scss file I have included:
@import "breakpoint";
However, when I use compass watch I get the error:
Gem:LoadError on line ["2007"] of C: Unable to activate breakpoint-2.4.2, because sass-3.2.19 conflicts with sass <~> 3.3.0
running sass -v
I can see that I have version 3.3.8 of sass installed.
Can anyone help? Happy to provide more info if needed!
Install the latest alpha version of compass:
gem install compass --pre
The installation instructions for Breakpoint recommend you use Bundler to install Breakpoint instead of a straight gem install
in order to ensure all of your dependencies are in check. This is a general best practice when working with anything Ruby related, not just Breakpoint.