I want to fill a map with some countries from UE, and then some continents like Asia and Africa, according to my variable prob2
values . This is my data map_d
state prob2
<chr> <dbl>
Germany 0.6
Austria 2.9
Belgium 1.9
Bulgaria 0.6
Cyprus 0.0
Croatia 1.7
Other Asian 9.2
Other African 2.5
Other North American 10.7
Other Latin American 2.3
Other Oceania 5.0
Firstly I fill the countries of Europe, using this code:
europ_map <- map_data("world", region = c(
"Czech Republic",
fin_map <- merge(europ_map, map_d, by.x="region", by.y="state")
fin_map <- arrange(fin_map, group, order)
ggplot(fin_map, aes(x=long, y=lat, group=group, fill=prob2)) +
geom_polygon(colour = "white") +
Which produces this map: Europe Map
Now, I need to add shape of continents to my map, and fill with the value of prob2
. Is possible?
I found in this post how to plot continents but is a different way to do: David Ameller's question, and Im not able to add variable values throught this code.
Thanks in advance!!
FWIW, here's a starter:
wm <- map_data("world")
cc <- raster::ccodes()
head(cc[,c(1:3, 8:10)], 3)
# 1 Aruba ABW AW Caribbean Americas South America
# 2 Afghanistan AFG AF Southern Asia Asia Asia
# 3 Angola AGO AO Middle Africa Africa Africa
dat <- read.csv(text="state, prob2
Other Asian, 9.2
Other African, 2.5
Other North American, 10.7
Other Latin American, 2.3
Other Oceania, 5.0")
mappings <- c("Asia"="Other Asian", "Africa"="Other African") # you add the others here
cc <- left_join(cc, dat, by = c("MYCONTINENTS"="state"))
## 31 country names need to be mapped...
wm$region %>% unique %>% setdiff(cc$NAME)
# ...
# [7] "Canary Islands" "UK" "Heard Island"
# ...
## For example, UK is called United Kingdom in cc:
unique(grep("Kingdom", cc$NAME, value=T, ignore.case=T))
# [1] "United Kingdom"
mappings <- c("UK"="United Kingdom", "USA"="United States") # You add the others here
cc$NAME[match(mappings, cc$NAME)] <- names(mappings)
wm <- left_join(wm, cc[,c("NAME","MYCONTINENTS", "prob2")], by=c("region"="NAME"))
ggplot() +
geom_polygon(aes(x=long, y=lat, group=group, fill=prob2), wm, colour = NA) +
You'll have to map your continents to the database ones, and the country names in the database to the ones you get from map_data
. After that, add + geom_polygon(aes(x=long, y=lat, group=group, fill=prob2), wm, colour = NA)
to your code.