Can't set image to jsPlumb endpoint

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2020-01-24 19:53:28


I'm using jsPlumb library in my project and I have a function that changes endpoint images if they are connected. I call it when the page loads and everything works fine, but when I call it on connection event, nothing happens. Here is my code:

function changeEndpointImage(){
            var elem = $('.tableBody');   //These are my connectable elements
            for(var i=0;i<elem.length;i++)
                 var eps=jsPlumb.getEndpoints($(elem[i]));  //Getting endpoints for each of the connectable elements
                 for(var j=0;j<eps.length;j++)
                      if(eps[j].connections.length!=0)  //Checking if any of them have connections
                           eps[j].setImage("images/styled_radiobutton.png");  //Setting another image
jsPlumb.bind("connection", function(connection) {

     //I have also tried this method commented below, but nothing.


I'm also trying to change endpoint images back to the first look if the connection is detached, but in this case, only the source endpoint gets changed, target remains the same:

jsPlumb.bind("connectionDetached", function(connection) {

What am I missing or how can I fix this problem?

EDIT: Here is jsfiddle:

Drag few items to the right div, press "Add new link" and try to attach detach connections. You will see that endpoints don't change.


I found a solution to this in jsPlumb google group. I have set endpoint Blank instead of Image, added cssClass: 'myClass' property and then styled .myClass { background: url(...) }. This does what I wanted, because connected endpoints get additional class 'jsplumb-endpoint-connected' and I can set another image as a background to this class.

