Python venv not creating virtual environment

好久不见. 提交于 2020-01-24 06:37:08


I'm trying to create a virtual environment for my current Django project using

python3 -m venv env

however the command doesn't create any directory with bin/include/lib folders. What exactly am I missing here?


I was having this same problem. I was able to get venv working by uninstalling Python and reinstalling it (I'm using the Anaconda distribution). The py -m venv test command still doesn't have any output after running it, but now it creates a folder for me and I can activate the test environment.


Sometime system's path environment is not aware of virtualenv.exe

install virtualenv

pip install virtualenv  

run command in the directory where you want virtual environment :

python3 -m virtualenv venv 


why do you have to write python3 -m venv env when you base is installed as python3.6 itself?

Just do pip install virtualenv this should install virtualenv package if not already installed, then

virtualenv envname this will run and should give you a message like this, I have created a env called testenv:

C:\Users\Admin\python_projects\venvs>virtualenv testenv
Using base prefix 'c:\\python37'
New python executable in C:\Users\Admin\python_projects\venvs\testenv\Scripts\python.exe
Installing setuptools, pip, wheel...

If you get this, it is a success, else do let us know what you get, after this you must cd into the Scripts folder and then run activate


pip install virtualenvwrapper-win try to install it and do it again


Install and create through:

pip install virtualenv

virtualenv <your_virtualenv_name>

Then activate the environment, by going to ./your_virtualenv_name/Scripts folder and then run:


