Is it possible to automate attaching a script to a folder

戏子无情 提交于 2020-01-24 01:53:46


I have new folders added daily. Is it possible to link an existing folder action script to the new folder automatically?


They have always been hidden for some reason, but but there are attach action to and remove action from commands in the System Events scripting dictionary. The syntax also changed a bit around the time of Snow Leopard, which didn't help either. A general purpose handler for attaching folder action scripts (tested in Mojave) would be something like:

on run -- example
    set theFolder to (choose folder with prompt "Choose folder to attach:" default location path to desktop)
    set theScript to (choose file with prompt "Choose folder action script:" default location path to Folder Action scripts)
    tell application "System Events" to set theName to name of theScript
    attachAction(theFolder, theName)
end run

on attachAction(folderPath, scriptName)
        attach a script from "~/Library/Scripts/Folder Action Scripts" to a folder
            parameters -        folderPath [text or alias]: the folder to attach to
                                scriptName [text]: the name of the script to attach
            returns [boolean]:  true if successfully attached, false otherwise
    tell application "System Events"
        try -- enable existing folder action
            set folderName to name of disk item (folderPath as text)
            set enabled of folder action folderName to true
        on error errmess -- create new
            log errmess
                make new folder action at end of folder actions with properties {enabled:true, name:folderName, path:folderPath}
            on error errmess -- oops (bad path, etc)
                log errmess
                return false
            end try
        end try
        try -- enable existing folder action script
            tell folder action folderName to set enabled of script scriptName to true
        on error errmess -- create new
            log errmess
                tell folder action folderName to make new script at end of scripts with properties {name:scriptName}
            on error errmess -- oops (bad name, etc)
                log errmess
                return false
            end try
        end try
        return true
    end tell
end attachAction

