I'm investigating now on how Spring Controller layer actually works. If I want to have a controller that returns a model and view name (e.g. HTML file name) I just extend AbstractController class, then implement a handleRequestInternal method, registering that controller as a bean, and setting in my HandlerMapping (e.g. SimpleUrlHandlerMapping) what path is mapped to what controller.
But that forces me to return view name.
What if I would like to not specify the view name, and just return String (e.g. formatted json or plain text) or Object to display same as @RestController
Or maybe in other words. What view layer bean should I use to omit view name and display model just as json/xml/plain text ?
I couldn't find any JSON view bean provided by Spring.
Workaround I made, was to create own JSONViewResolver
, register it as bean, and then specify in controller, what view I want.
public class JsonViewResolver implements ViewResolver {
public View resolveViewName(String viewName, Locale locale) throws Exception {
MappingJackson2JsonView mappingJackson2JsonView = new MappingJackson2JsonView();
return mappingJackson2JsonView;
@nowszy94 - just mention @ResponseBody before the method. Spring will automatically convert it into a string instead of going through the view resolver to find the jsp.