Dear StackOverFlow Members,
Please help me with this batch file. I would like to use the answer given from the "SET /P INPUT=%=%" and have it update another batch file permanently.
This is the first batch file that runs to get an answer from the user
@echo off
echo .................................................................
echo ..... Specify what the name of the Store is, this will send .....
echo ............... alerts to abd@abc.co.za ..............
echo .................................................................
color 5E
echo "............ Press 1 to specify what the store name is......"
echo "............ Press 2 to exit the program ................."
SET /P M=Type from the menu above 1 or 2 then press ENTER:
color 0A
set INPUT=
set /P INPUT=Enter Store Name: %=%
if "%INPUT%"=="" goto input
echo "You said that the store name is: %INPUT%"
:: Have the user confirm his/her choice
SET /P ANSWER=Is the name correct (Y/N)?
echo You chose: %ANSWER%
if /i {%ANSWER%}=={y} (goto :yes)
if /i {%ANSWER%}=={yes} (goto :yes)
goto :no
echo You pressed YES!... The name is updating
goto name
echo You pressed NO!... The program will exit
goto eof
::set /A store=%INPUT%
echo %INPUT% >> notify_support.bat
::Terminate the program
As you can see I am struggling to specify where I should "echo %INPUT% >> notify_support.bat". This is code taken from the second batch file
@echo off
call senditquiet -s smtp.gmail.com -port 587 -u rsupp0rt@gmail.com -protocol ssl -p access -f rsupp0rt@gmail.com -t 888@gmail.com -subject "Store ABC" -body "Hello there, There is an issue logged at the store.<br>Best regards."
When the first batch file runs, it updates the second one but just dumps it at the end of the file.
I need the INPUT ECHOed to replace "Store ABC" in the second batch file.
Please assist, I'm rather rusty with batch files.
echo %INPUT% >> notify_support.bat
That line contains >>
which means 'dump at the end of the file'. You can use a single >
to overwrite the existing file contents. That way, you can re-generate the whole file (which is only 2 lines anyway).
A different solution is to actually parse the exising file and replace that text. You can do that by using for /F ...
, which allows you to traverse through the lines of a file. You can then generate a new file, based on the (altered) contents of the existing file. Disadvantage is that this file-parsing method is especially suitable for data files in which each line has the same format with fields and delimiters (like a CSV file). It is less suited for parsing 'complex' files like a batch file or program source file.