I need to pass a structure from C to Ada in an Ada binding application. Thus, I have declared the structure in both Ada and C so that both the source sides can decipher the structure composition.
In C,
typedef struct {
int Status_Code;
int Error_Code;
} Edit_Result_Type;
In Ada,
type Edit_Result_Rec_Type is
Status : Integer;
Error_Code : Integer;
end record;
pragma Convention (Convention => C,
Entity => Edit_Result_Rec_Type);
for Edit_Result_Rec_Type use
Status at 0 range 0 .. 31;
Error_Code at 0 range 32 .. 63;
end record;
type Edit_Result_Rec_Type_Ptr is access all Edit_Result_Rec_Type;
When I am passing the structure from C to Ada through call by reference, I wanted to know:
Is it ok if I declare an "access all" vector type for the structure (as done above -
) in Ada and use it directly as a formal parameter in Ada function. For Eg:procedure Process_Data (Edit_Result_Ptr : in out Edit_Result_Rec_Type_Ptr) is begin Edit_Result_Ptr.Status := 1; Edit_Result_Ptr.Error_Code := 0; end Process_Data;
Is this approach FATAL? I know it is, just wanted to know "how" in depth!
Any other (better) approaches for passing through call by reference? I believe I can pass it as a "System.Address" parameter and do an "unchecked conversion" into
in a local vector inside the Ada function and then read/write record members? Does this approach has any fatalities?
When interfacing Ada and C, you should really read the RM, Annex B.3, which says:
An Ada parameter of a record type T, of any mode, other than an in parameter of a type of convention C_Pass_By_Copy, is passed as a t* argument to a C function, where t is the C struct corresponding to the Ada type T.
So, in your procedure, just do:
procedure Process_Data (Edit_Result : in out Edit_Result_Rec_Type) is
Edit_Result.Status := 1;
Edit_Result.Error_Code := 0;
end Process_Data;
pragma Export(C, Process_Data);
(or use the aspect, if Ada 2012)
That being said, you shouldn't use Integer in your record definition, Interfaces.C.int is the way to go:
type Edit_Result_Rec_Type is
Status : Interfaces.C.int;
Error_Code : Interfaces.C.int;
end record;
which will match the C int on your platform (assuming your C compiler is compatible with the Ada compiler)
As for your questions:
That would work, but why mess around with pointers?
No, that wouldn't work, access types (and access values) in Ada are not addresses. Converting a
to an access value requiresSystem.Address_To_Access_Conversions
, but again, why mess around with pointers?